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Suicide is basically an attempting of death on a purpose in which a boy or a girl may have some thoughts of wanting to die.
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Suicide is basically an attempting of death on a purpose in which a boy or a girl may have some thoughts of wanting to die.
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Young people at the ages of 15 to 24 attempt's suicide more because of different issues but one of the most important reason of attempting suicide in a teenage is depression.
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About half of the teenage suicide were done with the help of gun's and remaining half were done with different methods.
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The reason behind most of the teenage suicide is Broken hearts 💔
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I strongly advice against suicide. The person should try talking to someone. If he talks to people he or she trusts, the burden will lessen.
#threadstorm #outreach
why do many people result to suicide
In my opinion they think that suicide is the best way for there all problems.