I'm glad you all understand your capitalist days as you all know it are numbered.
Just remember when pushed to the limit these people aren't opposed from removing heads from bodies. I'm afraid they are a lot less diplomatic than I am.
Although I'm a man of peace I will have no objections lol
Our insurrection here end result was the end of 5 police officers.
Capitalism continues through it's lack of effectiveness to kill billions of humans.
Bitcoin MYK will continue to serve the collective of community. As many of you try to peacock around you can be sure the people will hold all these corrupt government back billionaires accountable.
You know the pretend genuises who claim they earned and deserve all their money in capitalism.
Minus the government picking winners and the lobbying to control taxpayer money
For a group of people that feel they earned and deserve the world. They certainly rely alot on government money
Or money they never earned.
Edicted you scumbag as u help to mask the truth and shut out the light of ubi projects and support crap as many of you do I'm going to see to it you're all brought to justice
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