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RE: Communist Anarchism & Fascist Socialism

in LeoFinance4 years ago

“The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination.” Voltaire. Well for me it's come down to the results of said government. I think what we do know for sure and this is not debatable in economics i don't think. Is that we've never seen a thriving prosperous economy with poor distribution and no middle class.

I think most economist over 90% would not disagree with that. The socio-economics go hand and hand. Whether you're talking about political power .. health of citizens advancement in society whatever the case is if that balance is off you will have a problem in your system.

I have expressed a great concern for the imbalance in crypto. It is very well so that crypto may be the answer to solving this problem unfortunately from what i can determine that is far from happening right now. Crypto still accounts for the worse distribution system i've ever seen in any type of economy. The standard economy is still far better unfortunately. I believe it still feels closer to neofeudalism. If the voting model is controlled by money well thats what that is, lol. It's not much else we can frame it as. Democracy is far less democracy when you can buy votes i think everyone knows that lol. Democracy and Delegation generally go hand and hand with decentralization. In other words when you don't see those elements there more than likely you are less decentralized.

That's just the data. So because people and cultures are different in society. I don't much focus on the form of the execution but the remnants of the leftover result.

I'd just conclude its conceivable for me to accept election fraud. I'm not sure what can be done about election fraud really beyond just finally getting voting perfected over the blockchain. Which i still believe will be one of the blockchains greatest uses unfortunately i don't share the optimism we need to tokenize everything and it needs to be on the chain. I feel like some things just work better off chain. As consumers we sometimes just want better products. My issue with the last administration is when they won everything was alright. When they lose then its don't accept the results without what our legal system deemed to not be sufficient evidence. So then it becomes okay everytime i lose i just tie up the system and call for fraud. Again not saying it was none but saying it can go both ways if you going to look at it that way.Crypto can change the world but i dont think in the way we've been using it. I think there is still yet to be the system it needs come forward.

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