I agree most people are good but unfortunately most people are easily influenced. So i'm open to thinking some type of cia operation/corporate mind control frequency waves or subliminal messages are going on. I say that because how our society has structured and allowed corporations to thrive is unnatural i believe. I think its not even logical the way we setup corporate government relationships and then believe we're in a free market competing fairly and we tell people things like socialism and communism doesn't work or is wrong when we've been doing it at some level already its just that not everyone has benefited from it.
The time period of the 1950's and 1960's.. i'm going to use terms like in my country when America was great.. or when they believed it was great. Those periods companies cared more for their workers and employees. These were more for lack of a better word healthy situations. That no longer exist our entire system needs an overhaul.
The problem with crypto is i feel like i'm kidding myself in believing that crypto is not heavily influenced and controlled in the same manner as any other currency. It's playing out that way. The problem is we have walk away from these false ideas that are no helpful and fallacies of we practice some free market capitalism. Accept its not that. Accept its winners and losers. Accept we bring those same ideas into cryptocurrency and recreate the same model.
If we dont accept that. it doens't matter how fancy an article is on the subject. People will feel the reality and it wont become a crypto paradise of sorts. To even say you're equally represented in btc now would be a falsehood. They pretty much own all of bitcoin or will. So i dont believe that's ultimatey the answer. We first must abandon all preconceived notions we had coming into crypto and start anew. Leave all those false capitalistic ideas of the last 100 years behind. Don't try to apply any of that here at all. Then maybe we got a chance. If we're going to bring that same crap in here and practice the same thing. What is the point.. crypto or not it doesn't matter it's playing out the same exact way.
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A lot of people are about to find out that the problem isn't with the system: it's their own damn fault.
The playing field is being flattened, but still the vast majority of people are going to get wrecked.
They simply don't have any kind of proper money management skills to build wealth in any environment.
There will likely be a crypto network fully devoted to just teaching people how to avoid these setbacks.
LEO is honestly a good candidate.