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RE: The Search for Governance: Democracy is Trash.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It's a self correcting system that transfers wealth to people more deserving of it.
And then those new people control the system.

Haha what a load of propaganda. you gave me a great laugh i feel good now, lol. transfers to people more deserving .. wow that is freaking hillarious

In order to have a meritocracy, one must have a way to measure merit.
But if you have a way to measure merit with 0% corruption,
then you've already created a superior reputation system that trumps money altogether.

Isn't that a big part of crypto though? To create a superior economic system. i don't think meritocracy is a dream or utopian idea. I think human beings due to their lack of consistency they screw everything up. Hive you could have the same guy value the same exact post with the same value, then for no reason the next day just decide he doesn't wanna do it because some hot girl he liked no longer likes him lol. So we'd not have that issue with an ai. uses an ai to reward you and it doesn't blindly give you automatic money. it gives you money based specifically on teh task you do and when you do it.. so it's not like how these systems use the paid bots to just reward a post. our ai recognizes the type of content to reward. so sure it's possible but in a political sense do certain people who have gained an advantage over the system want that? probably not.

i sense you're one of those people and so does everyone else, lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No, you don't see it yet?

If you have an AI that can rank value created,
then there's no reason for a person to create the value in the first place,
because we could just have the AI do the work for us.

An AI can't rank value without knowing how to build value.
The system is self-defeating.

I created an AI with zero attack vectors.

Like, no you didn't.
Get real.

I wonder how those pitchforks are going to measure up against assault rifles, tanks, and drones.
I'll put my money on the war machine being better at war than the ignorant peasants.


Very impressive!
So are we just ignoring the years and years it will take to plug the holes of this sieve you've created?
There are people out there, smarter than you, who would break your project just for fun.
But no, you're giving them a financial incentive to do it.
Good luck with that.

The future of crypto is government issued ID and facial recognition.
Anything else is a scam!

Seriously though are you a FED or what?
Should I be worried?

Nah never mind the FEDs wouldn't employ such ridiculous tactics such as expecting to get what they wanted by insulting people's intelligence and then calling themselves the smartest person on earth.

Call me dumb for not allocating more time/effort to someone I don't trust?
I think I'm dumb for giving you as many of my resources as I have already.

I find it super comical that I would be lumped in with onealfa or Marky.
You know those guys have like 100 times more money than I do right?

"Whales" who don't own any of these tokens are dumping tokens they don't have.
Uh huh, sure.

lol you're such an obvious scammer,
and you expect me to give you more time than I'm already giving you.


Look how much time you spend on Hive.
You are a walking talking hypocrite.

It's a self correcting system that transfers wealth to people more deserving of it.

I've seen it happen with my own eyes and it's the only way I was able to get the stack that I got.
Deny reality at your own peril.