you mean tech like this?
looks like someone is a billion times smarter than you. far right conservative thinkers generaly are idiots.. aren't they the ones who rushed the whitehouse and think corona is a hoax? it all makes perfect sense now. we shall see who's right mcgruber
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is not a competition.
You cannot "beat" me.
Your incessant insistence that this is a zero sum game says it all.
You are not ready for this new paradigm.
You can generate value for everyone permissionlessly, or not.
Those are your options.
Choose wisely.
I just realized it:
You're the kid from League of Legends who blames all their teammates for being stuck in bronze league.
"Oh yeah I'd be able to rank up but all these idiots around me don't know what they are doing."
So this is what you're doing now.
I wonder what you'll do when you point your finger but there's no one around.
Where's your crown King Nothing?