I highly doubt any of that is important unless you factor standard of living into this
So most of these people don't have any actual cash or considerable assets.. Sure their gross incomes are calculated but how their money allows them to live is the problem. When over 40% of americans will panic and not be able to afford a $500 emergency or they get knocked totally off their axis.
I think it's ridiculous to consider that an abundance of anything. that is just ridiculously ignorant.
As far as a crypto middle class. There is no crypto middle class. Crypto is astronomically worse than the standard of living we experience on average.
Crypto is almost like a lottery system where a few people a very small percentage hit big in crypto. They are akin to lottery winners. It's like the guy who plays lottery everyday and once in a blue moon he hits big. Most people barely have anything in crypto.
You all do you understand. i'm not even going to focus on the ridiculous shitcoins. you all do understand that 87% of bitcoin network is owned by only 1%. It's probably like 10 wallets holding most of that.
So where is all this abundance of opportunity. i think this is like the guy where you got the one scammer who lets the one guy get rich.. then he uses that one guy for every example. thats like you edicted, lol. That's you.
Crypto is accomplishing the goal it should. Nobody is going to take it serious until it does. I know alot of people go but there is all this money in crypto. yes from the institutions and venture capitalist and rich.. And guess what they in turn hold all that wealth in crypto just like they do in the standard economy.
So the poor ignorant people need to stop falling for crypto gimmicks.
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