No you got a right to your comments. I'm just glad not everyone agrees with you because i think you miss out on alot of things. I never promote bitcoin myk unless its directly relevent to the conversation or material at hand.. Then i have no choice in that i'm not being thorough enough in how we're naming project "x" so to speak. So thats why i dont consider it promotional unless its not relevant to the conversation. You spoke of everyday use.
Also i think its a bit fair to call everything with the bitcoin name in it a scam. Especially if you have'nt reviewed the product.I would firstly say bitcoin myk doesn't have that name there to indicate a bitcoin replacement or try to trick people into thinking we're bitcoin. Anybody who thinks people can be tricked into believing products with bitcoin in it can confuse people. I think at this point thats very unlikely. Maybe in the early days when nobody knew what crypto was that worked. Now thats not a solid statement on to people who will trade bitcoin.
Next i'd say i've checked for ownership of the bitcoin name there is none. It is decentralized and as far as we can determine we're in our full legal right as of now to use it. I'd also move to say that because Satoshi not around.. we don't know what version of bitcoin even if that were the case.. is more in line with what he foresaw btc to be. So we really can't say 100% that satoshi would be pleased with this version of btc we call bitcoin core. So again i think your statements are surface level and your emotions a bit eradict you seem like you make judgements really fast without data.
However i would go on to say bitcoin myk should be thought about more similar to bitcoin lightning. We call it bitcoin lightning but it doesn't occur on bitcoin at all. you could also have ethereum lightning. So for us using the bitcoin word is just for designation reasons. Much like you'd add bitcoin to the front of the lightning network. The lightning network is not bitcoin.
Also you use the term issuer. Which i find issue with that. We inherit the bitcoin ledger but i dont own bitcoin myk. Every coin on btcmyk is owned by bitcoin holders. They need but claim it. We don't ask or ico or sell any of our coins as we mostly focus on the network. We sell them after we earn them or from transactions or something like that. However no one needs to buy the coin and we're not really interested in price moreso than the utility and growth of the network.
The reason i spoke about bitcoin myk in this post was because the uses of cryptocurrency are dumb. it's stupid. It's no urgency or demand. I don't have to use it. Even if i could use it. its still inferior to every other payments system out there. Thats just the truth right now. If you can think of one thats better let me know.
Incorporating UBI into crypto projects makes more sense because crypto would be the best delivery system. To aggregate value thats already in you. Again if i try to do business with a merchant in crypto. How do i get my money back? lol. I don't. if i try to use it as a payment system like a wire transfer or a company like western union or money gram. Well when i send the crypto off its no telling what the value will be when it arrives at its location. So thats not good for any party.
UBI it does'nt matter it only needs to prove your value and get it to you in a one way payment. That's what crypto is good for a one way payment. It's better on the chain than the government or some business trying to send out payments in a check. It's more efficient and cheaper almost free and fast.
So how you all throw around the term scam. It no longer has any meaning. Bitcoin for a long time was considered a scam.. Bitcoin Cash forked because they felt venture capitalist found out early bitcoin had no significant use and basically turned it into this speculative gambling casino so they could make money. Bitcoin Cash said well if its useful in the utility of a currency thats efficient. That's what Satoshi meant in their view. People use to call Bitcoin Cash a scam. Some still do but whatever they believe clearly they dont have the consensus on that view or many of these bitcoin like products wouldn't be top 10 coins.. or top 20 or top 100. You have several in there so the community consensus is they want them there they serve a purpose. So please don't defame us because you lack the knowledge to understand any of this. I would ask you do some research and investigave the revelancy to what i'm saying and why for the most part crypto can't be used for most things significantly. Certainly nowhere near the scope of what many in the space think. I think they've made a few dollars and they are on a wishful thinking fest. Thankyou for your comments.
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