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RE: The future and fiat don't mix.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yes and i agree alot with what you're saying. However action and the results of what people want aren't mutually the same. So it's like saying hey i'd like to put a business on the blockchain. Okay what does it accomplish putting a business on the blockchain?

It's like if you go back to satoshi. if you look at how bitcoin works and how the mind of the bitcoin maximalist works. I'm not a bitcoin maximalist but now after careful examination i see some of what they say makes sense. Like for example satoshi meant bitcoin to be a currency. a sound money for people to protect and verify what they own and it not be stolen or manipulated. That was his hope. That's not what happened but the dream is still alive. However his original concepts made alot of sense. Then ethereum came along lol.

See the problem with all of this is putting businesses on the chain not really creating any type of economic prosperity in that sense. We know how to create businesses and provide services for the people. Our problem was always in creating effective currencies. i get the idea of well you can do this collectively. however the data is showing crypto is still just shaping up similar to how the standard economy works. I still don't see any data that suggest that will turn around. I think that's for many reasons. However i think the focus should be on an effective "currency".

All these ico's and pyramid and ponzi schemes etc., It's a reason they don't work well. i think the further we focus on just being a currency not a speculative device or an asset. A currency, the more we focus on that the closer i think crypto will resemble what we want. There are many complexities as to what would need to happen for that to occur.

In the long haul process it's do what we doing now. Just try to create this top up bottom down businesses over and over and over again. Then we paint this picture of what we have already in the standard economy as we're using the same blueprint. Or we can do what we have the power to do. We can for the first time in history not have an accidental or incidental economy.

We could have a manufactured economy where it does what we want it to do. We can just give the people the money. We don't need to do this big run around and take 50 years to make this work lol. We can just directly inject the people with the money and i think that would be more effective.

However to be able to do that we'd have to first put aside our false capitalist beliefs that don't even work in the first place. It's been imploding for over 70 years. We could bypass all that and focus on what works. We can't do that if people aren't able to move forward into the 21st century with the same ideologies about government and the economy that doesn't even work now. The good news is people now are questioning how our economy works.

They are now opening their eyes to we should be doing projects like ubi. So it's better late than never i guess. We also still got these people who will watch everything burn down rather than fix the system.

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