how's that for charisma @edicted lol.. let me tell you all something.. i could give a shit about elon musk but do i want a tesla? yes i do
why do you need to trust anybody in a system predicated on trustlessness give the fuck out of here... bitcoin myk gives you all the coins free if you understand anything about network effect and the value of a stable currency you'd get that and understand the price doesn't need to move up einsteins but i know you all don't understand this economy which is why you all lose your money gambling in these crypto projects. listen to me edicted a messiah has to be alone has to walk alone
nobody can walk my path but me and i'm prepared to do this alone like every other messiah was.. i don't need you all to assist me i need you to follow me and you will because this economy is over and so is america and everyone else is dropping like dominoes and if you join any ubi project they still all represent me you can never escape me
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