we're only here becaused we vowed to work with any free transactional systems because we believe that can set people free but we've found this place is a farce. okay well if you change your mind you know where to find us. marky mark you shouldn't underestimate him.. as you can see he has an army of morons like him and if you're not here to fight or make changes then you're wasting your time my friend it's not going to do anything
bitcoin myk will eventually bring everyone over because most of the world will want free transactions in the future and not a top up bottom down society.. with machines and robots will be no reason for people like marky mark and he knows his oligarchy will soon fail. so he's afraid of us.. but if you're just here to shout at marky mark it doesn't do anything best to have a plan.. now they attacking blurt because blurt has like a similar layout as dpos which is a failed system they all will become like hive but our algo works on proof of participation.. nobody can carry more value over you unless it's through merit it's a time attention value system.. not a stakeweighted system which eventually will always fail like hive will
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