Do you understand that 87% of the bitcoin network is only owned by about 1% of the entire network?
In most cases the top major cryptocurrencies already are controlled by those banking institutions. This false sense of control you all have is misplaced. Just because a few of you can gather to the top of a pyramid ponzi scheme is not some evolution in banking or freedom.
So what if the goldman sachs guy is in control or it's marky mark same difference to me. In every instance there is a great degree of centralization and wealth and governance control by a very small few.
I"m not going to give them credit for that. Now is that every crypto? no.. but the ones you all talk about the most are those.. The ones that are probably really decentralizing the world for the better like singularity. net.. you all aren't supporting or singing praises to those guys. You not singing praises to bitcoin myk projects that are truly going to decentralize these aspects of the globe.
You're supporting hot fast controlled, manipulated corrupt illegal trash projects and justifying them on the basis of oh this time it's some guy i know like @onealfa.. well let me tell you something..
i don't care if it's onealfa.. or freaking jeff bezos or whoever the hell it is.. if it's 30 guys in control with the power.. or 2 or 1 i don't give a hoot.. that's centralization my friend.. and it is the main component that creates the vast majority of issues for our society and that is lack of participation. So if you guys are really for all that as you claim.. which i think it's malarky @themarkymark.. but if you're for that as you say.
then you'd be supporting projects that value the end user on participation and attention value. Anything else is a carbon copy of the very thing we claim to want to escape.. No reasoning is going to take you out fo that i've given you the bitcoin stats and it's teh best crypto we got.. i don't call that progress it's trash and so is most every other project with the exception of a small small few and those few aren't the ones that you hear about because they aren't the ones that are about making you rich.. they are about making useful products for people and making the world better.
you all confuse number go up much like i'd confuse a good night at las vegas gambling as progress and success this is what all these defi projects have turned out ot be.. not to say it won't evolve in the future into something better but as to say it's not happening now. that's all baloney and wishful thinking and it's generally a tale spun by the people at the top or early adopters. well 1% of the crypto space is not representative of the entire space and much like a fantasy or dream we hear repeated those 1% of success stories. that's what you're experiencing
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