Bitcoin is complete garbage. It's trash and everyone knows it. The biggest issue is it failed as a currency. That's where economic prosperity and freedom comes to the people. Capitalism as we know it is on the way out.
It's no way i don't care what anybody thinks. We can maintain this capitalistic system under the guise of all this technology and freemium services and robotics that are looming on the horizon. It's just futile, asinine and illogical to think otherwise.
Satoshi saw this as a currency because that's as far as he could really see. Now they scrambling to find anything of use to keep this baloney going. it's absolute trash. Bitcoin MYK makes far better sense. It's just a million times better.
Giving away our token in the future will make people wanna spend it more. That's its purpose to be spent. that's what you do with currencies. The reason in crypto we gotta desperately look for use cases is because they don't have significant use cases. LIsten if you have something useful. Do you think you ever have to go around for years looking for a purpose?
When the party who created the darn thing clearly underlined what the purpose of it was? Now you gotta go dig up uses for it? That's not a good situation to be in. Bitcoin is valuable because people think it's an asset that will make them rich. That is it point blank. It fails in everything else but network effect. that makes it even worse than facebook. Atleast with facebook people clearly know what they using it for day in and day out.
The intellectual positions on cryptocurrency around here are horrible. It's like a bunch of people wishing their way to something that is weakly built on sand. If bitcoin doesn't die it should die. It's worse than doge coin. It may as well be a meme coin. It is trash and complete garbage. Bitcoin MYK for people who understand it. LIke thinking people,, makes bitcoin look like nothing in a dumpster. I know in the future that's going to be proven to be true.
If you want something useful that gives freedom and economic prosperity. People gotta exchange it and move it so it goes around. Bitcoin stagnates to like 87% of the network owned by 1%. It's similar to hive in a sense but even worse however with more money.
That is because nobody wants to actually spend it on anything. It's just common sense lol. So how is the solution more of the same. Financial products and banking products we don't need more of those.
if i want the security of the us government to repay a debt. I know the us govt can go in do what's necessary to pay the debt lol. They got guns and armies. if they wanna repossess something in sweden. It's not going to be alot sweden can do about it. So Sweden probably not going to have a problem with agreeing to the us govt terms. It means i get my money back.
Bitcoin can help an already dying system survive a little longer. It's certainly not showing me any real progress into the future. Whether people want to accept it or not right now. That's going to end up being something like Bitcoin MYK. It doesn't matter how people feel about it. It will serve the distribution needs of the people and that's what people want.
It can't look too attractive as far as value because you want it to float so people spend it lol. I"m more excited when the prices are low and new people enter the market. So that's the internal mechanism automatically working. Walking around with bitcoin an asset nobody will ever sell that we really don't need is going to help nobody. Eventually bitcoin brand and marketing effect will be challenge. It's stupid it's like the emperor has on no clothes. Eventually someone will ask where is the clothes?
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