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RE: Hive: The Builders Will Win

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yes well i generally agree with your posts. However on this one i think i'm like 100% off with everything almost you said in this one. For example you keep speaking about building. The builders win as such. I've heard such statements before. I don't necessarily agree with them and i dont think that is even close to the problem here.

I've watched Facebook and Reddit.. pretty much do the same thing with the same layouts for like 50 years lol. So how does this work? Well my understanding is Facebook early on got a big investment of like $50 million. Now imagine that getting enough startup capital that equals the entire market cap of hive.

So what happens well that money translates to virality and marketing. Yes development from the money helps i don't deny that but if it were so much about development that would kinda signal we should see bigger pulls from these big social media sites like we saw what happened with facebook meets myspace.

So what i think may be going on is just brand effect and market effect. That may require huge marketing dollars. As i look at the history of hive pre steem. I see one constant theme. A lack of marketing dollars. Always marketing being too costly. That's a problem thats never been solved. Hive pre steem didn't get any big VC dollars like ever. Thats another thing we don't include in coin comparisons. Alot of people don't know successful projects have large startup capital. Polkadot is doing well now an alternative to Ethereum. Polkadot received over $150 million.Eos billions.. Ethereum more money than the gods, lol. Kinda hard to fail when you get money like that. I've never heard such investments in Hive or Steem. So to be fair we need to add that into the data.

It is completely a marketing problem. This product is like 99% social media which means interaction across the internet.. notiarity. Big content influencers hype men. Those kinda things work. Why do you think all these celebrities end up on the facebooks and twitters as it were. I dont think hive or steem ever really had one big consistent star yet. They may need to be paid but marketing is what should have been the focus years ago and its still more and more building and more and less app use. Reddit didn't change their layout up until like a year ago and the founders spoke of many reasons why they didn't.

The other part is who should be doing the most from the communities. Well the richest people the biggest benefactors should. The problem is the drawback to decentralization is nobody is incentivized to market for it or push it. Nobody volunteers. There is no organization. I am not incentivized to market or push decentralization. Bitcoin has a similar problem but it just met its virality as the original coin. That doesn't mean will work the same for the rest. So my thoughts are you gotta be in peoples faces constantly everytime they turn on their computer system. It has to sound good almost gimmicky because they have alot already all their families and friends on the sites that exist. What can many of these new products offer them of significance?

Big content influencers need deals cut. Alot of things happened with that funding dao was really of very little significance. That funding dao maybe should have enticed some big influncers or maybe even moderate level ones to join. Thats what electroneum is doing now through its site. So thats how i see it. I think the building phase is over. We've built everything in one version or another hive and pre steem. We've built twitter apps. reddit apps. youtube apps. soundcloud apps. gambling apps. gaming apps you name it we've built it lol.

As far as decentralized social media i do agree with Chancellor Merkle. The importance of freedom of speech. I think the decision to ban Trump was for his office a bit extreme. I would have preferred they just removed the posts like they always do as Trump posts are not only irresponsible and deadly and have proven to be. from not wearing masks to inciting insurrection where people end up dead. His office is still one thats' bigger than him. So it sends not the best message although his actions make him the worse president that has ever existed ever. However it confuses the people so i think he shoudl have got a special box in these situations. However i just dont think even that is enough to get people to join the network. It's just as many people okay with trump being censored and removed as there is with there not being. So what can you do with that? You can't really make a case that because Trump was removed we should all rush off to decentralized social media. It also does the opposite it lets people know that they going to have to deal with this venomous info on the decentralized platform. so it's bittersweet. I think what's left personally is something similar to what libra coin is after. They are not here yet but the window is closing. My thoughts are steem and hive should have acted long ago to lock this down. This social media global payment solution mixed with the blogging and apps creating economic prosperity to the world. Unfortunately thats another branding issue for HIve. How do you define it in one sentence?

Yes discord is weird but to be fair i do go into many discord rooms and although its alot of accounts i dont think most are that active or live. So discord does take up alot of hours but its not quite the same. Blogging and certain interaction on hive can take a large amount of time to prepare info that can be monetized and so people put in more time to hopefully get more value. THey dont always so this makes it more difficult and in stats like 5 minutes per social media platform. this is not very plausible they will be able to engage to the point of enough value.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Why do you think all these celebrities end up on the facebooks and twitters as it were. I dont think hive or steem ever really had one big consistent star yet

No they did and they really wont.

The social sites you mentioned are most quick hit sites, Hive, for the most part is still a blogging site. How many celebrities do you know that blog? Does Biden? Trump? Lady Gaga? There might be a few who write long form content but the big social media platforms excel at short snippets. Even YouTube, most of the stuff as it relates to celebrities is a quick post of a NBC clip of a political speech or some quick thing they throw up. In fact, I bet most celebrities use Instagram for their video activity because it is short and sweet.

So I dont think in the end, it would be of benefit to get the celebrities you discuss at this point.

I agree about the DAO. Very little spent out of there was for much useful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta