Bitcoin MYK already solves most of the problems we experience in the world. For example from time to time one of the saddest things i can watch is the st jude commercials. i know people personally affected by children with cancer and nothing more sad than to see a 5 year old fighting for their lives.
Here's some of the problem. First off let me say i think most of you on here are full of shit. If it was anything like you all said you'd first seek out projects that do the most helpful things to the world but the most dominate projects are air in a bottle nft's .. meme coins.. just a bunch of superficial materialistic souless low iq.. shell of human beings wondering around crypto, lol. So first off most people don't even give a shit but let's say for example that they did.. and alot of the world is good people they are all out there.. it would seem crypto so far has got mostly degenerates but there are many good people out there they just aren't in crypto yet.
At some point they do come in. WHen they do they pick projects like bitcoin myk future solutions to major social challenges on every landscape that is undeniable. They support projects like decentralized super ai.. To keep somebody like putin or some maniac from getting a super ai and enslaving everyone..
They support research platforms that combat diseases etc., that are done so in a way where the money going into the research is actually beneficial to the people and not just burning through cash like they've done with cancer research the last several decades and cancer has actually increased in killing people.
So maybe the people who aren't full of shit step into crypto eventually and porjects like bitcoin myk bring them in and they are in the proper mindset like that. However as i watched this st jude commercials the first thing i thought about was the parents.. They probably going through more than the kids.. They may have to drive hours to the hospital for weeks on end stay there. Who's paying for their travel adn stay? i've witnessed couples like this.
So we may not solve cancer for a billion years.. However can we do something to accomodate alot of the stress and boots on the necks of the parents and families.. Can we put money into education adn preventative care which is going to be more cost effective and cheaper. So if you got a ubi payment of say $1000 a month from a crypto coin like bitcoin myk. imagine what an extra $1000 can do for these famliies every month and how it changes society for the better? reducing crime, improving health physically and mentally.
As far as transparency would you really need it? Nope because if it's universal everyone would have the coin and then whatever area to improve their lives they use that money to improve that. instead of focusing on cancer or heart disease everyone uses the money to improve their prospective positions.
So transparency doesn't really matter because as long as everyone suppose to get it.. YOu're going ot know from the system anyway if tehy got it or not. Now i'm not going to go into the technical details but the point is in this area.
Now it's really really sad that a selfless creator like me has to come in here and not only guide the way with my own time and energy .. i gotta spend most of the time fighting you idiots. Imagine what could be done if that time could be spent on something like that, lol.
So it's not hard for me to look at the condition of the world and know this has to happen. To know it will be accepted and implemented and we will live this way but to fight common sense ideas is a real tragedy. That i gotta even sit up here and keep talking about this is shameful it really is
As far as dao's go i dont really think we even need them with ubi. In ubi everyone has a share and a vote as to what should be done and that is already going to be reflective of where we wanna take society.
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