Exactly but blockchain technology does exist and can be useful. I just feel like these guys smart enough to direct us to the wrong ones. Could be a conspiracy theory but even if it were. Wallet distribution has to get better. If i'm a rich guy i got absolutely no reason to sell bitcoin. I'm not going to trade it. It's not going to create better distribution or velocity of money none of that It's a rich person with disposable income toy. You're right more Wallstreet just pretty much means more of the same thing we already have. Again blockchain tech i believe will open up some doors. It will set us on the right path. However i wouldn't get over religious about bitcoin. It's so many stories out there about bitcoin's cia beginnings it would make your head spin. We'd have to be very naive to think that nations are this quiet and don't feel threatened by something like this. They'd take action as some have. I just don't believe ever this could be so easy.. i gotta post this again because i think its a great video .. people can say what they want about jordan belfort but i think he nails the type of reasoning i think the governments have about crypto absolutely right lol
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