you're right marky mark... everyone who holds my worthless tokens should dump them right away. don't hold that crap they like lassez coin what you saying marky mark tell them to dump it you have my blessing. they shouldn't be holding crap i got rid of all my ass tokens remember those? lol
now marky mark seeing that you are so correct in this. why don't they just dump it? i've dumped plenty hive tokens and continue to do so today they worthless, lol.. i sold all my stem tokens lol.. so why don't they just put it up on the exchange as you said it's worthless no point in holding it.. i just hope they listen to you marky mark.. you run that ask marky mark anything blog each week..
you give good advice.. why don't you do one on dump bitcoin myk and bbd coins.. and give them that good advice.. because it's a worthless zero token no sense in them holding it.. best to get rid of it it's bad luck marky mark right? isn't that what you saying? so why don't they just listen to you and do it.. you said it's worthless i don't know why they keep holding it you're smart marky mark didn't you make hive punks? so why don't they just listen to you for a change that would be good. it's too many people holding our tokens anyway let's hope they dump it lol
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I wouldn't be caught dead holding your shit coin, the fact you go around pretending it is the solution to anything when it isn't even good enough to be called a meme coin is pathetic.