If we must wait until fiat has died for a replacement, we will then suffer an interregnum of total economic insufficiency, as fiat collapses and transacting becomes impossible, with all the social and civil disarray that implies. A preferable future would come from providing a fully functional replacement transactional mechanism, such as Monero transmitted over a global Reticulum network owned and operated by the users, that replaces fiat and causes it's death.
If we must wait until fiat has died for a replacement, we will then suffer an interregnum of total economic insufficiency, as fiat collapses and transacting becomes impossible, with all the social and civil disarray that implies. A preferable future would come from providing a fully functional replacement transactional mechanism, such as Monero transmitted over a global Reticulum network owned and operated by the users, that replaces fiat and causes it's death.
Lets do it!!
So what we all doing on Hive. I know what you have for dinner HBD wise 🤣
Something like this? 😅