And the truth WILL come out. Things are already coming to a head. As Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and others keep pushing for lawsuits and gather more evidence, and as the Maricopa board of supervisors starts to act more and more suspiciously after a judge ordered that the AZ senate has the authority to subpoena the ballots. Then there is also the case called "crime of the century," which has overwhelming evidence, and it can not be argued to lack standing, unlike previous cases. Therefore, if they reject the case, they can not use the "lack of standing" excuse, and it will be obvious they are afraid of something. Powell said in an interview that Clarence Thomas is frustrated with the other judges, and is trying to convince them Barrett and Kavanaugh important it is to see the case, and what will happen if they don't. The democrats are acting scared and turning on each other, such as Pelosi going after Cuomo, and many of them are getting in trouble for their pugging COVID patients into nursing homes, and their handling (murder) of nursing home residents. Nothing can stop the truth from finding its way out, and nothing can stop what is coming! #WWG1WGA
America was competely NWO'd when Trump and his team Broke back IN durring the 2016 election scandals. The Democrats were even CAUGHT MURDERING their own Man on the inside when he politely handed off a chunk of DNC files to Wikileaks... so we watched for four years as the Coup played out and in the end it PROOVES that the NWO kinda already WON because most of the public is just too degenerate to think up freedom on their own and will line up for shots and masks till the cows come home.
I absolutely HATE it here in this situation because in MY world, REAL MEN OF ACTION would hve had Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros ALLLL BEHEADED BY NOW!
So in the future I will only be rooting for the people who actually go out and extinguish some of these characters...
Joe BABY RAPING Biden is a sick fucking, psycological Horror to have to watch. FUCK HIM and may all the people around him die violently Soon! this cannot last...

"America was completely NWO'd when Trump and his team broke back IN during the 2016 election scandals." I don't think Trump is working for the NWO, in fact, I think he weakened the NWO.
You are right about most people not wanting to fight back though. A lot of people don't believe in masks or mandatory vaccines, but will go along with it for the sake of conformity, and to avoid loss of a job. They need to speak up and fight back. Even Trump implied in his CPAC speech that he can not do this fight alone, and needs us all to speak up, and support him in every way we can.
to be clear... I don't think Trump is NWO.
I think he and his team did an impossible task of gettin elected in 2016.
The fact that the 2020 election was so OBVIOUSLY a Gigantic crime iis the concerning part... because we as citizens have exhausted the options! So if the Military does not step in soon and HANG, SHOOT, and imprision about 10,000 Democratic operatives, then 80 MILLION of US are considering different options that will EXCLUDE Washington DC as a legitimate source of power.
There are LOTS of things happening but at this point, the crimes of the NWO are easily understood and there is an ample amount of people who should just reasonably go out and FUCKING EXTERMINATE a large chunk of these criminals... Soros, Clinton Crime Family, Clapper, Comey, Brennan... hey, Whatever happened to Gina Haspell?
You see... in a REAL war, they don't go around faking the fights and the damage to keep the audience confused. I like real fights... not this fake back and forth of propaganda.