It will be a promising project
We need a proposal for this
We have fast, Secure Network
We Can be Like other chains
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It will be a promising project
We need a proposal for this
We have fast, Secure Network
We Can be Like other chains
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Will start working on it later today once my partner and I nail down our budget requirements and establish a feasible development period.
Is the proposal funds enough for all of your plans?
I have no idea about how much it costs and stuff, just curious..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nope. Doesn't even begin to cover the costs of building the EVM capable chain..
The proposal covers the original Hive.Loans idea that was going to initially be centralized then branch off into using it's own in house P2P for decentrilization.. But after some thought on it and some research it was realized that it could very likely be build on an chain like HSC which would then also unlock the whole smart contract ability for the whole network. Seems the only logical choice instead of developing some janky home brew decentralization solution.. Why not just use what we know the crypto market will pay good money for?
Making a second proposal to fund the HSC development and have a buddy coming onto the development team to help with the reverse engineering and testing of everything. A few other developers have also stepped forwards with interest in helping the project so I'm thinking we'll likely see near immediate proposal support with the proposal funds initially going mostly to my development partner @lapingvino as I'll still be focused primarily on Getting the 1st version of Hive.Loans done and tested.. Then after that I'll be pivoting to help him work out any kinks in the HSC HIVE implementation then getting contracts written up for Hive.Loans to take advantage of the new HSC decentralization so it ships / launches with a few HIVE exclusive apps.
All and all it's going to be a hell of a lot a work and I suspect more developers than my partner, the few guys that came forwards offering help and myself to get this thing build and cross compatible with the other side chains.
Massive undertaking but with an almost limitless network wide reward doing anything less than what has been laid out with the HSC idea doesn't make any friggin' sense.
I can see that from your explanation but this is what is needed on Hive . I won't say "if you get this working" I will say "Once you get this implemented" we will see Hive along with BSC , there will be no resources lacking on hive when compared to BSC then .
No matter what the price of Hive is or Hive stays , I am gonna stay on Hive because of developers ( and visionaries ) like you .
As I mentioned in some other comment , if any help is needed from normal users like us please let us know . It might be creating posts to promote the funding or kind ( which I will definitely do regardless ) . It just seems like such huge project with less man power so .You have our support.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta