1. MARS Question (Daily)
Daily questions and community feedback regarding Hive Marketing- Twitter First Approach
2. MARS Update (Weekly)
Starting from the first week of May. Update for our stakeholders how I'm investing & allocating the DAO proposal funds of Community Driven Hive Marketing - Twitter first approach (led my NathanMars ) in community developments.
3. MARS Meet-up (Monthly)
Hosting monthly meet-up on Clubhouse from 1st May. Details coming soon.
4. $MARS Tokenised community will launch this year
5. Mars Notes
- Thank you Daily Video Tweet.
- Only focusing on getting massive results from our Twitter marketing.
- Monthly HP delegation updates to empower the Hive Twitter community.
- Frequent Twitter Giveaways and Prizes
- Stopped checking Hive mentions. Read all comments/replies via LeoFinance.io & Hive.Blog and engage when necessary.
- I mostly manually curate LeoFinance community contents on Hive.
- I’m a Hive Witness/block producer because it's important for community leaders like myself to get involved with governance.
- I focus HIVE Growth and Community Developments.
- Telegram : https://t.me/nathanmars7
- Please vote for my DAO Proposal. https://peakd.com/me/proposals/170
Same NathanMars, Different Mindset.
You have my support always as i've voted for your proposal..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a Million Jose!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey brother! I have already voted for your proposal. Hive community is great. we can do everything together. Cheers..
Thank you my man!
2021 is a massive year for me and us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Voted off course! 💪
Thanks a Million
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seem cool name #mars token
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Build brand.
Build community.
Create wealth for everyone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't have HIVE so far.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you have a Twitter account ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta