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RE: Bonding DEC vs Buy and Hold - Which is Better?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yeah I'm just making up numbers for the discount here. It's not a simple comparison by any means though.

If we assume that there are players who want to use DEC in the future to buy upgrades they have some choices:

Buy and hold: potential profit 58% upside
LP: 60% APR + potential token quantity loss as DEC rises
DEC bond: 58% + discount% upside
do something else and buy DEC later: ???

So if your goal is to buy those future upgrades, bonded DEC with a discount is better than just a straight buy & hold. May or may not be better than the LP. And who knows what the overall opportunity cost is when factoring in everything else in the world.

As just a trade, bonding your DEC doesn't make much sense since you're locked in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's like the cat used to say, 4 Weeks or forever is basically the same.

You can still make that novel approach and pay dividends in DEC amounts denominated by their dollar value.

Well, there is probably a legal reason why tokenized bonds are generally difficult to achieve. A third party could help here, some anonymous DEC bonds emitter from the Bahamas. Where's SBF when you need a good scammer friend to create a helpful rugpull defi tool.