It is offensive to us not tax pros also.
But then again, explain finance to some is like explaining nuclear physics to a 5 year old.
You're right, but it shouldn't be. The real barrier is emotional - having money and then not spending it is incredibly hard. Being able to project out to your future self 30-50 years down the line is almost impossible for people to wrap their heads around.
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It is the same with governments. Thomas Sowell calls this "stage one" thinking. Most people never get beyond the immediate effect of what they do economically (yummy food, new shiny car, lots of votes in the next election) to think about what happens down the line--to them and/or to others. It works for politicians because somebody else will pay the costs beyond "stage one."
The more my net worth increases, the less inclined I am to spend.
Who knew that the desire to appear wealthy can be sated by actually being wealthy.