@yabapmatt mentioned that there was quite a bit during the initial Steem->Hive pre-transition period that was kind of left out. Like the fact that we tried very hard to bridge communications between Steemit and Tron to prevent a blockchain split from ever happening.
I spoke directly with various ex-Steemit employees (at the time current Steemit employees) to share information about the upcoming Tron takeover and get their input as to how to proceed. I could say that without me, Hive would not have been created the way it was when it was. However, without me, possibly someone else would have decided to take the charge and lead a blockchain split after the writing was more clearly written on the wall.
Hive is an actual community of people working together to build out the platform, whereas Steem was just Steemit with a bunch of leeches trying to siphon money/tokens before Steemit could destroy the token price.
Fwiw, Steem potentially would have never happened without @blocktrades leading Hive to have also never happened. Cause and effect is a really tricky thing to understand and I personally think in this situation it is impossible to really single any one person out for the creation of Hive.
Finally, Tim Copeland asked me for input on the article and if he could interview me regarding it. I was unable to provide input at the time he was needing it due to various personal/health related issues. I am sure I could have been spotlighted in the article if I really wanted to be :P
I am glad to learn both that there is a good reason for the lack, and that you are better now.