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RE: Paying for the Gold Seats

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Definitely a rough Season and what was worst for me were the pretty horrible rewards as I did not get one Epic or Legendary card! Bots is a love/hate subject as I have used them in the past when too busy but have been playing myself now for a couple of months. While I have improved, I feel that the bots are getting better which frustrates me often. In the past, I would take the “if you can’t beat them, join them” mentality but I continue to enjoy playing and learning the evolving meta. I also think that once land comes, cards will have an added utility and the economic game will be even more interesting!


as I did not get one Epic or Legendary card!

I got three legendaries - but they aren't worth much at the moment :D

In the past, I would take the “if you can’t beat them, join them” mentality but I continue to enjoy playing and learning the evolving meta.

At some point, they are able to replace everything (not just Splinterlands) we do though, so then what? Do we just give up as a species and live like in Wall-E :)

I also think that once land comes, cards will have an added utility and the economic game will be even more interesting!

This will likely affect the bots too, especially for those who are renting their cards to play.