Sort: click on this link to find more information about the heart #gosh

The mammalian heart is indeed one of the powerful organ in the body system. We have two types of heartbeat. That is; the diastole and systole

The heart should be pampered because it's one of the positive organs in our body. Without the heart, we are nothing

The heart is delicate because our life lies in it, was made in such a unique way

The heart is the greatest machine that ever existed. The rhythmical expansion and contraction is a wonder of nature.

Every part of the body is very important and should be taken good care of. The heart is very delicate, sensitive and powerful too. If it stops functioning, that is the end of life

such a vital information dear, your findings regarding the human heart is factual although I'm not a doctor but I'm fully convinced by your assertions.

The pumping action of the heart helps all the other parts of the body get the oxygen and nutrients they need to work properly.

When the heart stops working, living beings cannot survive anymore.

In an article written by @ngobaby, She talked about the position of the heart in the human body, heartbeat and the different stages of heartbeat as well as some functions of the heart