All in with one project or dabble in twenty?

I give you twenty eggs and tell you to make some money at the market. You have a long and perilous journey to get to the market with lots of difficult decisions.
You can pile of of those eggs into one basket and move forward with a heavy and difficult load. You only have one chance to make it to the market and make a profit or you starve.
If you can make it one one trip then it will have made you the most money as it was faster and more efficient. You will get 100% of those eggs to the market and be very happy with your gains. It's a shit or burst kind of situation.
We all know the old saying.
"Don't put all of your eggs in one basket, in case it breaks."
All in on Hive.
I wrote a few days ago about Hive becoming a full time job at these prices and got a great response from the community.
This was one response that made an interesting point and the basis of this post.
Some good advice here. I expect we will see more full time Hivers, but probably safer to be part time Hiver full time Crypto, and seek out multiple income streams.
It was the one which put me thinking the most before replying as it's a big question.
There is a lot to be said for this option but from my angle it's hard to commit to anything properly if you are spread across multiple projects or jobs.
Hive takes up a lot of hours to grow to a decent level and i don't think that i would have managed it if i hadn't gone all in with the project.
I have a few other interest in crypto but those all came from somebody that i read or followed on hive. The community here is amazing for learning new things and expanding your crypto interests. Plus i just love being here. I couldn't turn up every day if i didn't enjoy it so much.
I do take your point though and it's good to have as many streams of revenue as possible as long as you can stay on top of them properly.
Should we spread out our investments?
It's probably the safer option to spread the risk as if Hive fails, it all goes away.
I do have a few small bits across crypto but they are all small and passive. Nothing worth looking at for a few years until they compound a few thousand times.
But all of my biggest ones are Hive related.
- Hive
- Leofinance
- Cubfinance
- Splinterlands
- Tribes.
If hive goes down, it all goes away.
I don't think that it will however. In fact, i'm betting everything on it. Pretty much all of my finances are tied up in the eco-system to some extent or another bar living expenses.
Even now I keep putting more back into the system to keep on earning.
I just spend $2,200 on three Epic Beta cards.
Bought for $740, now there is only 1/134 on the market at $1,200. It's already rented at 400 DEC or $4 per day making 200% APR.
Bought two screaming Banshee for $1,400 and now own 1.6% of the total supply and have them earning 700 DEC in the first ten minutes. There are only two on the market now at $900 and $10k.
All in for the long haul.
Hive is getting better every week.
Sometimes it can be hard to see the trees for the forest, but when you step back there is huge development going on behind the scenes.
But it's there and it's getting noticed.
Hive isn't going anywhere and there are a lot of great people working to make sure that it goes even higher for the future.
Collaborations, development, games, even outside people are starting to take an interest. That is a big step forward as it shows that we are on the right track. We all saw the price shoot up this week which was great and a bit strange.
What was even stranger is that it stayed there. Nobody with a big stake was willing or able to dump it back down. They might have taken some profit but nobody was thinking that it was time to cash out all of their chips. That there are bigger things to come.
I think the same myself. Taking some profit but firmly in accumulation mode for the future. There is a lot more to come.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Splinterlands and Hive are becoming some of my largest investments in crypto after ETH and ADA. I really started getting into renting out cards yesterday, what a wild market on the last day of the season!
BTW your posts with your card purchases for rentals are really helpful! It is really hard to tell which card is a better investment for rental as rental utility and game utility doesn't really coincide...
Thanks for saying that. End of season is a fun time but i try to pick up the cards with long term value so the rarer the better and that i can afford. My favorite is mischievous mermaid which i buy up as many copies as i can. It has a high return and a card that every new player wants, strong and limited supply. A supply that gets smaller every week.
I’m also heavily weighted toward the Hive ecosystem. I’ve also got some GBTC in a retirement account that can grow for the next several years and bits and bobs of other crypto. But Hive and Hive accessories for the win.
Like most of us here i would think. I had a little bitcoin but sold it into alts in the summer. I'll probably buy back at some stage as 1BTH is a dream of mine. Find a good return and let it sit until it gets there. Then bank it for the future.
THe bits and bobs are just for fun and hope for a shib.
It “Hive” fixes a major issue with blockchain…income creation. Although not perfect it’s a start. Not to mention I believe we have much further to run up at this stage of the crypto cycle.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I also believe too
Income creation and usability.
I have four years in crypto and won't touch eth. It's not fit for use, especially after getting used to hive and how smooth it is to use. The fact that you can start with nothing and become huge is unheard of.
With extreme actions come extreme reward.
A huge fraction of my earnings are on hive.
I decided to explore other options cos there diversifying the right way has a way of balancing things out when the chips are down.
I'm thinking that i have about 90% of my wealth in hive based assets. That is a high number so i hope that it works out.
When I look at most projects out there, I believe that really no one comes close to hive, to it's community, the use cases, the social media aspect, the feeless transactions... Things are improving daily. I have the same tendency to divert all my income towards hive but I try to restrain myself and not to put all eggs into the same basket lol
I think that we have everything. No other chain has all of the parts like us.
They have some and the popularity or hype that think they have it. When they find out the truth we are going to blow up.
I would have to say that I have the same issue as well. Currently I am building most of my stuff on HIVE but I do want to eventually branch out and have a little skin in the game on other chains or projects. I don't think HIVE will disappear anytime soon but having a few extra sources of income is never a bad thing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is hard to branch out when there is so much to do on here. I think that a lot of us are in the same boat.
It's no harm to spread out but we are in the right place.
Sometimes I do worry coz most of my assets are hive bound, but then I'm like. Nah, we'll be fine!
Already been through too much not to.
Still, I am also considering some new ones to diversify, next bear though.
We'll be fine.
I'm banking on it.
I think that someday soon we will see real movement as more and more communities join in bulk and want part of the action.
I can see it happening around us.