Start using a long term mindset.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


If I said that you could earn 40c per day just by showing up and leaving a comment on my post would you do it?

Because that is exactly what I offer to anybody who shows up, reads my post and and leaves a meaningful comment. Actually it is probable closer to 50c when you take in secondary tokens value as well.

I vote up good comments with my full weight every day and reply to then as well.

That's 50c of a faucet for a few minutes of work. Plus my added wisdom and advice which is priceless.

There are a lot of faucets out there but not many as generous or consistent as my blog. Is there any easier way to earn money online than sucking up to me? If there are i'd like to know about it.

So where are all of the people?

A lot of them don't know this fact. They are still trying to use bitcoin faucets like,

Which is not too bad and attracts millions of users a month. I use it myself and the sats do stack up slowly over time.

I personally love to use to earn an extra $20 a week by commenting and voting on short form posts.

There are lots of hive users there already and you can start earning with time, effort and zero stake if you feel like it. I like the site and it offers a bit of fun and lots of spam. I then use nexo to compound the earnings and keep building.

These are all ways to add a little extra coin to your wallet and then make them into even more.

A lot of them have a short term mentality. They are trying to make a fortune playing the markets and finding that 10x gem. I tried it myself three years ago. They all tanked when the bear market hit. Even hive.

The only good thing about hive being that holding it gives you the opportunity to earn even more hive so that the price doesn't matter in the short term.

What would you do with $0.50?

I would do this for a couple of weeks and buy a splinterlands spellbook. $10 investment. You can even pay directly in hive.

This is a way to start earning more tokens on hive. Win some cards and start building a deck worth a lot of money.

You could power up these hive tokens and start earning from you own curation of my posts. Vote for my with your new rewards and get more back.

That 50c can be worth a lot more once you start looking at ways to make it work back for you.

Don't see it as a single $0.50 but as an addition to your portfolio every day. Every day you are given a new fund to start investing and to grow even further.

THe 50c is a hundred dollars if you treat it properly and get it multiplying.

Turn up every day and get it while you can as opportunities don't last forever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I do the same 95% of the time. Engage with me, and you'll be rewarded, if your engagement isn't just piss.

Engagement is more than just a comment. It's showing that you have actually read the post and want to interact about it.

It's easy to spot the difference from people that haven't cared enough to actually think about it to those that are chasing rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely. I love it when a question is asked that was already answered in the post....did ya not read it?...

Don't see it as a single $0.50

Instead, think of it as 0.7 HIVE. 😄

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Love that way of thinking.

At Hive we have an advantage, we can earn and invest in funds like SPI, LBI. Let our money grow.
Holding cash is not sane with this kind of inflation, you can do better with your money.
Just wait till the masses wakes up.

It's a huge advantage as not only are the opportunities there to invest that money but we also have people that share these chances with us and share their knowledge on the subjects.

I wouldn't be here without reading all of the articles that others have created and then engaging with them to find out more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100% and then in a reciprocal way you pass on that knowledge to the next guy, like you did with me on Leo Finance and loads of other Crypto stuff 👍

I then share with the next guy and suddenly we've got a growing, engaged, optimistic and profitable community.

THe 50c is a hundred dollars if you treat it properly and get it multiplying.

I wish more people thought this way. I am thinking long-term for my account growth and so far it's working great. I concentrate on a few communities and coins, sell the others and convert them into what I want, and keep going. Great post.

That a solid plan and will work out very well over time.

It's a rare quality in people to think long term and plan accordingly. You can see it in the top business people but they have the funds to play that game.

Here we are starting with nothing but it can still be done. You just need to start somewhere and keep building on it every day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the nuggets. I have gone through the Dave Ramsey financial stuff, so I am quite familiar with long-term planning. I recently however have switched my budgeting style over to YNAB (you need a budget) and it also has long-term goals. I just apply the same thing here and it works. Imagine that. S.M.A.R.T. goals working on the blockchain. :D

SMART goals is a solid concept and a good way to plan for the future.

SMART goals is a solid concept and a good way to plan for the future.

We definitely need more people to show up more often. On top of that, your 50 cents can be compounded in various ways (HP, HBD, etc).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

%0c today, 50c tomorrow. Double your money in two days, double again in four.....

Give it a couple of years and see how much that you can put together and have it working in the background.

I want to get to 100k HBD over the next few years and live off the interest. Big plans but worth doing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you really think a person could just buy the spellbook and be able to get some kind of profit? To me, that seems like a sunk cost that would require other purchases or delegations to get meaningful return. Just the starter cards alone isn't really enough to even win in the beginner leagues.

You can with time and effort. It will just take a lot longer as you have to grind so hard to earn enough to start building a better deck. I would buy the spellbook and add about $20 of ammo for my team.

With that I am confident of earning back the $10 in a couple of weeks and becoming profitable in a couple more unless a very good reward card appears and i make it back faster.

Today i pulled a gold reward card and sold it for $24.50 in ten minute. That was just one reward one one day.

I would rent a few cards for a week and get to a higher level, earn more dec and more reward cards. With a couple of seasons i could get back my investment and build from there for a few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I !LUV This You're Going to Help me Buy more Splinterlands Monsters, Thank You @niallon

I don't know if i should help you strengthen your deck any more. You've beaten me enough times without it already.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm Just a Novice and I am Still Learning How to Play @niallon.............






@niallon11, you've been given LUV from @stokjockey.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)

We have chosen to support your post because you are one of the good promoters of Hive on Twitter based on our Hive Twitter Daily Report.

We appreciate your time and enthusiasm for promoting Hive!

Keep up the good job! 😍😍😍

This is done with the support of #theycallmedan and the #threespeak team.

You are right that something like Hive/noise is a way better faucet than freebitcoin. I like the fact that upvoting comments is possible again since the last hardfork which went back the linear rewards and it's actually one of the reasons I powered up some extra hive to get me above a range where I'm able to do it more. It remains somewhat of a double-edged sword as it kind of takes the genuineness out of many of the comments and it at times brings many short automated replies who are just fishing for upvotes. That being said, we are still very early in the crypto social media. I do wonder how long it will take for something like gpt 3 bots being indistinguishable from real people to be all over these social media.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for that opportunity! That is even a better payout then the tips on ;)
Would love to see you sponsoring my next Splinterlands spellbook :D Anyways... I will try to stick around your posts and earn that 50c per day!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nail on the head here, there is so much opportunity for new starters if they scratch beneath the surface and engage more with people's content, read it fully and add meaningful comments.

I still haven't bought any Splinterlands packs. I feel like I missed a big opportunity there, but have been very busy with work and life and ya can't do it all sometimes.