Money can buy a lot of things.

We all know that money makes more money. That to do most things in this life, you'll need enough money to be allowed.
Everything costs money in this world and those people that have money never have to worry about these things. Those of us that do not have the money have to get some.
They say that a business lasts three generations.
One generation to build it up.
The second generation learns from a young age and works their way towards running the place.
The third generation is given everything to try and give them a better life. They grow up soft and don't appreciate hard work and graft. Then when they get handed the business it all falls apart.
Without the appreciation of how the business was built, there is no will to learn and to progress it. It's the struggle that breeds toughness and smarts.
At the moment we are all first generation workers. We are building from the ground up, adding one piece at a time and trying to build something that can provide for our families and make a future for ourselves.
We are putting in the hard work, putting in the hours and trying to create wealth for ourselves.
The next step is making that money work.
We are finally starting to see some accumulation after years of trying to keep our heads above water. That's a huge turning point in any business when you can finally move away from living month to month and can start to see an excess.
So what is the next step??
It's obvious really. There is no point in having money sitting in the bank. Mine pays a grand total of 0.55% APR. Your pretty much losing money by saving it.
Anyway, the secret that the big boys know is that putting the money to work is how you make it up the ranks. Putting every bit of it to work earning more for you. It's slightly riskier to have it out in the world but the pay-offs are worth it.
You won't get much farther by just grinding away every day when you can compound that work to keep it working in the background.
Hive is a money making machine.
The hardest part of investing is having enough to make it worthwhile and then figuring out how to get into the investing game.
Even worse if you do make anything then everybody has to get their cut before handing it back to you. There is profit to be made out in the world but it's hard to get the most out of it.
Hive changes the game in this regard.
It knocks down all of those barriers and takes out all of those middlemen.
Want to bank it. No problem.
Invest in start ups. No problem.
Gamble it. Sure
Rent it out. There is a site for that.
Save it. Why not.
The options are out there and can all be accessed from your hive account. Permissions not needed.
The first step is to earn some the hard way.
The next is putting it to work for you.
THe last part is to enjoy it before somebody else gets to on your behalf.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And that's all that there is to it. We have to make this money first, then send it on errands for us, once we have accumulated to our desire, we give ourselves the permission to enjoy it.
First things first, let's make the money first.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All people need to do is be active to earn some HIVE. Putting it to work is fairly easy since you can delegate or curate. As for enjoying it, I haven't really done so since everything is unrealized at this point since I am still building here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Would just like to say thank you for upvoting and looking at my posts :)