Orca Time
Alright Team Leo, a new Leo Orca in the den here, which doesn't seem to make much literal sense but hey, I'll roll with it! Just powered up some LEO tokens from a post payout and it looks to have pushed me into the Leo Orca realm after only 7 weeks of being involved on the platform and starting with pretty much 0!
I started looking more seriously in to LeoFinance after @chekohler said to get involved and post my crypto related blogs on here. Cheers for the tip buddy, it's been a pretty cool adventure and I've not looked back!
Great Developments
As I've hung around more, I see a real drive to engage the userbase and encourage involvement with supporting comments, along with rapid developments and constant updates from official accounts which is something that often goes lacking in many projects. I'm not on Discord as much any more and going to be phasing that out as time goes on so having the official Leo account posting as often as it is has been great for me to keep in the loop of what's going on!
Being Active
You may have seen me leave a comment here and there on posts as I've found the motivation to be active on Leo. Crypto is one of my interests so just browsing, leaving a comment and having fun is probably how I've found myself move up in the Engagement League charts and on Leo's ones too! I guess all the activity and interaction from everyone's excitement is fueled by the leaders and the team who are driving this project forward - it seems to be properly organised so keep up the good work!
Posting semi-regularly along with commenting and upvoting content/comments is a good way to earn yourself some more LEO if you aren't able to afford to buy any but if you combine a few different ways to accumulate stake such as buying slowly but surely, you will shoot up through the ranks too!
So following some updated calculations, I worked out you needed about 820 LP to get to Orca as of 25th November and I now have 823 LP! My aim still remains to get to 1,000 LP by the end of the year so it might be tight but I'm also chipping away with some buy orders on LeoDex each day. After 1,000 LP, who knows where after that? Whale will probably be close to 10,000 LP by the time I get around to it but if WrappedLEO can spike up another 180,000% then we'll all be laughing!

Have you got a target to reach with your LEO holdings? How did you first hear about LeoFinance? Let me know in the comments below!
Take care
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm on 824 as well..never knew that was orca, I thought it was redfish!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha snap man! Nice one! Yeah the amount needed is a little lower to get to the levels on LEO as there's less tokens in circulation vs Hive. Whale is about 8,200 now but the amount does go up quite quickly. Was only 780 LP needed at the beginning of the month IIRC
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice!!! Big ups to you...
Just like Chekohler, Ive been accumulating since the scratch, I sold off a bunch during the Steem.hive debacle and hated myself for it afterwards, but ive moved on now....
My curation account is in the 5k levels, getting closer to 6k with every post I upvote,...
Are you on twitter?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah nice one for getting involved early, we all make some decisions we wish we hadn't but you still have a decent stake! Over half way to whale!
I'm on twitter but not a frequent poster there - @nickyhavey is my handle
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep its still decent. Can't be happier
Okay, I will give you a follow there asap.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome man!
I'm thinking of setting up a Leo specific twitter account at the weekend and share my crypto posts through there as that one is more for sharing my music. What's your profile?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That will be cool.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seems like cheating to me. I think you need to break 50k to call yourself an orca. 😅
820 is far too low, and you didn't even have to work at it.
On the plus side that makes me an orca too as i have over 1k tokens just from posting over the past while. It is a great tribe and one that is growing at a ripid pace which is great for the early adopters. There is a chance now to keep stacking and see where it goes over the next year or so.
Hahaha well 50k Leo is getting close to Mega Whale on leo! It's because there's little supply, only 6.5 Million or something at the moment vs 420 million HIVE!
Congrats on getting to Orca too! It makes things a bit more achievable with these tokens I think! Keep stacking mate! How's your Hive goals looking?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're doing hella well, but I guess me collecting at 3 cents and below put me at quite the advantage, no regrets there, I was very much posting back in the steemleo days. I still think the reward premiums are still pretty good here and competition for rewards is low so I'll try to milk as much as I can to build a good stake while its still possible
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I've constantly sold my Leo. Not huge regrets doing it but sometimes I think maybe I should have kept some of it hehe. I think at one point I had 300 LEO staked.
Lol, you can't lose when you get it for just messing about online I just figured I'd collect them for the fun of it, never expected any of these tokens to be worth anything at least I was proven wrong once.
Yeah you've monstered it mate! You're not far from being a whale here? The amount needed for the levels has gone up substantially since I did the previous calculations a couple of weeks ago!
I'll probably still post as well and build a stake while I can then before competition for rewards gets too high!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I haven't checked the calculation since your post and I am just aiming for 8k, as my "whale" target, not too far off now, if all goes well I should hit that next month. I guess it's a never-ending chase to be a whale
Lol yeah can be forever chasing it so probably good just to say a certain number and then leave it at that! Nice way to end the year as a Leo whale
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome stuff man!
Massive congrats and a true testament to what's possible here!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks mate! Definitely agree with you there - now it's time to set some new goals hehe!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratulations! I bought my way to 1K LP. I didn't know it made me an Orca, good to hear!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks man and kudos to you too for getting your way to 1k! Team of Orcas in the den here!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Terrific job and congratulations on your accomplishment.
Personally, I believe anyone who is earnestly setting LEO targets, then working to achieve them will be very happy in the future. What is being created on LEO is really amazing.
Engagement is vital to a thriving ecosystem. Many got frustrated with Hive because that didn't exist. Leofinance is starting to make up for that. Hopefully, we will pass 1,000 comments, average, per day in the next few weeks.
As it continues to grow, friendships are made. This is the best part. Money aside, it is the relationships that we forge while knowing we are laying the foundation for something much bigger, that keeps me going.
Keep up the good work and I look forward to the "I am now a Leo Whale" post from you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks man, you've helped me a lot to get there and I'm all about setting targets - helps keep motivation and the drive going, which works well for long term mindset!
Yeah I feel the frustration with HIVE. It does seem like a vacuum for one reason or another but I think that experience of what was lacking is now being used by folks such as yourself and Khal to show how it should be done. It's what a lot of people have been crying out for and although not everyone on HIVE will be posting crypto/finance posts. However, the model is there that they can use to make their token work if they wanted!
I agree with you about the relationships! I've made good friends over the last 2.5 years and we've all grown together in many ways which is what it's about, not much of a social media if things like this didn't happen!
Oh man, now you've given me a new target haha! I'll start drafting that Leo Whale post now :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratz! I hope you'd do well in life and become a good member of the community :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah thanks a lot man! Right back at you! I'll do the best I can when I can, 3D stuff has got me by the scruff of the neck at the moment but always try to make a bit of Leo time!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm aiming for 2000 LP by the end of the year. I've kind of lost traction lately though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You've been beasting it too mate with your Leo venture, how far away are you from 2k?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
550 LEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Should be easy peasy for you at the moment! ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It actually isn't that easy...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice! Happy for you and your achievement! It is always a good motivation boost to read about community members succeeding!
Regarding the 1k LP, I think you will do at least 1.5k, following the math and the compound interest. There are 6 more weeks till years end, so 700 LP shall be achievable!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks man! I've really enjoyed the last 7 weeks here, there's a positive energy about the place with a drive and vision that also filters down to the community! Do you have any targets yourself?
Aha! I just bought another 60 Leo or so from the LeoDex so I think you may be right there! Let's see how it goes from now til the end of the year, we also have "Power Up Day" on the 1st which might add a bit more stake too!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm thoroughly confused with LEO. I don't use the LeoFinance website much besides to post every once in a while but when I am on PeakD I am often voting on posts that are in LeoFinance and I have LEO tokens staked to my engine account but I don't earn a single red cent of curation rewards (have 57 LEO staked currently) for any of it? Very odd.. I had set up a LEO curation alt account and I found the same result, don't know what the hell is going on there.
Not jacking your post but it's just confusing to me.
Pumped that you're an orca though dude! I should try and post some stuff in there if I can figure out relevant things to write about lol
I'm not sure how the relationship works if you do stuff on Peakd like vote vs just using LeoFinance. I am pretty much just using LeoFinance site these days and getting the curation rewards no problem - it appears in the Hive-engine/Leo wallet section, you should see some transactions in your wallet there. Another quick way of checking is if your VP on Leo is less than 100% which appears in the top right corner.
Another thing is to make sure the voting threshold on your autovoter is set to the right level so that you can still vote through your alt account if you have it set up.
I'm still learning myself, only really dived into Hive engine tokens in the last 7 weeks so it's still causing a bit of head scratching!
Yeah man, I'm sure you can post any crypto/finance related posts here, even the power up day stuff.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah true! The power up day posts I should definitely post to it.
I'm not sure what the tokens issue is coming from, I have a fair amount of hive engine investments going but I don't see any tokens being staked to my account despite me voting.. I guess I could spend some time and just vote through LeoFinance instead of PeakD. Tedious but not unbearable to do.
It looks like you are getting curation rewards from your Leo wallet. Just saw you got a few curation rewards from voting on a post of mine 😀
Just scroll down on the link below, you should see it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh awesome, I guess it solves it if I just log into Leo itself. I guess I didn't notice it because it was so low LOL appreciate it dude!
Haha no worries, glad to help, the curation rewards will go up quickly with LEO as the amount needed to get through the levels is less. 820 LP gives a 0.1 LEO upvote so you can easily shoot up through the ranks
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
tokens.Congrats on your new achievement. I am also timing the 1k LP before the year runs out.fingers crossed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks man! Yeah let's do this, team 1k LP!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratulations dear on becoming an Orca here on LeoFinance. I have set myself a target of 10K Leos. I actually bought many Leos at bottom price. Now that price is on rise I buy the Leo token sometimes now. Let's see if I can get to 10k leo target. Cheers
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a lot man! That's a great target to aim for! How far away are you from getting there? Well done on getting in early, I think there's still a long way to go with the token price with all the development and marketing that's going on. Really is great to see!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congrats! I got involved buying miners when it was 3 cents some months ago. Just dipped a toe or two in mind you, just to see what was going on. Now I'm all in and willing to do my part in increasing engagement and boosting LeoFinance daily post count.
I'm about a hundred LP away from Orca and like you will aim for 1000LP and beyond. So let's keep plugging away. The sky's the limit! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks man! Ah you got the miners as well, nice one! You still have them? They are going for a bit more than a few cents now!
Let's do this, 1000LP by Xmas! 💪
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
3 cents I believe, was the price of LEO at the time. Yes, I do still have most of them minus some I sold this Summer as part of my "living on the blockchain experiment. I'm swapping out the megas for more LEO for staking.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah ever since they changed the voting thing to linear, it's made curating content a lot more authentic I think - it's encouraging me to stake anyway!
BTW, love the username, always find myself going "hmm" when I read it haha!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just started getting involved last week. I'm loving everything I'm seeing here so far. It's actually motivated me to start writing about the crypto space again. I was playing around with the LeoDex and was pretty impressed by that. Then I read on Twitter they were working on a micro-blogging platform and I decided to come over here and check out what was happening. Since then I've been posting all my finance and crypto related content here and posting everything else on Peakd. I'm really happy I decided to look into this further. Several people on Twitter told me I should be posting here but I kept spacing it Happy I took a few minutes to take a look
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's how I felt when I first started too and like you, use either peakd or my website to post other non crypto related content. Although my site is down at the moment so having a back up on peakd has been a life saver really!
Yeah there's loads of things going on and I like that they keep everyone updated with developments with regular communication from the official channels. I'm sure there's more in the pipeline but I don't really hang out on discord these days so probably miss a few conversations.
I kept seeing posts about Leo from friends I've met on Hive so thought I'd ask and they said just get involved and post your crypto stuff and not looked back!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congrats on becoming a Leo 'Orca'. They should really officially change those titles to feline names. You would probably be a Puma now or something.
I don't have any specific goals set, my only goal is to go up, up, UP!
Ah yeah probably should change the names! I'm just using the Hivebuzz ranking system for the moment as most users will probably be familiar but I'd be up for different names/badges/ranks whatever you want to call them!
That's a good goal in itself! My next is 1,000 LP which should hopefully get there by the end of the year, then just "up up up" from there haha!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One day we shall dine on fine wine together at the top. :)
Haha, I like that ambition, let's go for it - Lion Kings :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 12/48) Liquid rewards.
Thank you for the tipu :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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