I am enjoying the curator's picks personally! Love the variety of crypto/finance related posts that appear there and like that you know they've been manually picked/reviewed as well! I tend to glance at the top banner of 5 and if I've already commented then have a glance at trending, before going to the curated picks. It just all flows really nicely - top work on that!
That widget is pretty cool too to see the percentages, like that it's quick and "at a glance"! Wonder how the spread will look as the wLEO pool thing (my technical phrasing haha) opens up!
Oooo that suggested/automated tag thing looks really good too! I'm always unsure about the tags to use as I know the first 5 are important for categorising the post so want to make sure it can be discovered - that will really help. The next 5 tags after that don't matter so much as they aren't indexed right or is that not the case anymore?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta