How do I use my cryptocurrencies : HIVE

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Greetings everyone, for me it is a pleasure to meet you again after a long time without publishing on this popular platform. The truth is that I have been taking advantage of the profits obtained in the last two years publishing in Leofinance and Hive Blog to direct it to my small venture of selling gluten free desserts, a dream that would have been impossible to achieve without the support of this community.

Considering the above, today that I meet again with you I want to start a series of publications that I will call How do I use my cryptocurrencies?, obviously I will start with one that has given me great satisfaction: our beloved HIVE. I got to know this cryptocurrency through a friend of mine who had already been publishing in the old Steemit for at least two years before migrating to Hive. One day he told me: "Hey, I like the way you write, I recommend Hive Blog, it's a platform where you can earn money writing what you have in mind".

I must say, when I saw the page I noticed that the first publications had impressive valuations, at least for my underdeveloped pocket, that is, articles that distributed income to their authors exceeding $100, a tremendous temptation for those who start this path of content monetization. Finding a niche is the name of this game and among so many available spaces I decided that my best home is Leofinance, this great platform dedicated to the publocation of economic topics related to cryptocurrencies whose token deniming LEO is associated with the Hive cryptocurrency, that is, those who co,partimos our work in Leofinance earn we get double earnings.

So, as last year all cryptos went up to the moon taking advantage of the Bitcoin bullmarket, as I was sharing quality publications and the community was rewarding me with their upvotes (thanks for so much love), I was accumulating a number of Hive cryptocurrencies (and LEO too) which made me think about the following: Keep logging, exchange them for other cryptos (BTC basically) or use what I earned to start my own venture?

I always dreamed of quitting my job and start my way as my own boss with my own business but I had a big obstacle: The banks. In a complicated time for my country Venezuela and the rest of the world as it was the period 2020 to 2021 because of a strange (but convenient for the elites) pandemic that we all know, the big banks and their huge printing of colored papers considered me as a "risky customer", therefore I did not qualify as worthy of receiving a loan of $ 2000, the amount I required to start my economic freedom.

But where one door closes another one opens, as soon as I started publishing on Hive I noticed the enormous potential of this platform, for example, the earnings I received in a month publishing on this portal exceeded the average salary of a medium profile employee in Latin America, something that of course pushed me to continue creating and monetizing content on Hive Blog and of course my beloved Leofinance. As I integrated myself both as a content creator and curator I noticed the tendency of the majority of the community to favor Hive's holding, considering that in that period of cryptocurrency party the value of this went from 0.2$ to equal and even surpass the US dollar.

Thanks to my efforts in Hive I reached the goal of $2000 in this cryptocurrency, then I made a decision: this money must leave the virtual economy and join the real one. In effect, I was withdrawing my earnings, investing them in the assets I needed for my business and ready, my venture became a reality, best of all is that it was done without relying on banks or generate debts with unpayable interest.

It is true, I took advantage of what is perhaps the best moment in the history of this and all cryptocurrencies but I had projected in my mind to use this platform to achieve my goal. I understand that many in Hive Blog and Leofinance conceive the world of cryptocurrencies as a means to generate wealth through the various financial instruments offered by the platform from the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), however I also think that if you are a surfer and you are in the middle of the sea if the perfect wave presents itself you do not hesitate to take it and dominate it with your board because ultimately you do not know if another one like that presents itself in the future.

Undoubtedly for people who come from countries with many economic difficulties Hive represents a financial lifeline, since this cryptocurrency exceeds in value the vast majority of Latin American, Caribbean and African currencies, even today that has depreciated considerably compared to last year. For many of my countrymen and fellow content creators Hive represents an extra income and in many cases the only one. In my case Hive represents enrollment in son's school, being able to go to the grocery store and buy groceries and even go to the movies or enjoy movies on Netflix or another entertainment platform at home.

I understand that Hive has little time among the cryptocurrency world and still remains little known among cryptocurrency users around the world, however its potential to generate income place it as one of the projects with the most potential in the cryptosphere.

I end this publication thanking the support of the entire community and wishing that all its projects, from the simplest to the most complex, are fulfilled.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Glad to see you back again blogging on Hive and congratulations for starting your dream business.

Its great to see Hive providing the means for you to start your own business.

What I want to know is where we can buy these gluten free deserts for Hive and can you ship them overseas.

I think there is tremendous opportunity in developing economies already using crypto extensively (Venezuela, El Salvador etc) for small businesses to sell to the global market of crypto users.

Thank you very much for your support I am honored to have your friendship, of course I would love to send you some samples but at the moment we do not have the capacity to send abroad.

You are right, in Venezuela the cryptoeconomy is making its way in the preference of the population, more and more businesses accept this type of currency and more people pay with the crypto of their preference without any fear. Maybe I can't send you one of my delicious desserts but I can send you a big kiss and a hug from a distance.

Glad to see you back with a renewed passion.
My son has to avoid gluten products because of his IBS.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello beautiful friend, Thank you for your nice words. In my case my sister's son is also gluten intolerant as well as many people I know so I want to offer an alternative to these people.