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RE: Leofinance: A Lot More Than Just A Token Pump

in LeoFinance4 years ago

It is right that „the masses“ are the goal and every project around here is looking to onboard as many as possible new users. However, targeting the right customer is always a winning approach, also if your product almost fits to everybody. Given the big investing community consisting of individuals able and willing to „risk“ a couple of dollars and also used to pay for quality, the potential of LEO is enormous and (in my opinion) far superior to lifestyle topics like cooking, traveling or photography. I think of LEO as a combination of Seeking Alpha, Coingekko, and a (Crypto)Stockexchange combining informing about and actually doing investments. If this will happen, I am sure it will be worth way over $10 by 2022.


Add in sites like Marketwatch, Yahoo Finance, and CNBC.

Obviously, not all of those are targeted users but some can. Also, how many Twitter accounts exist that are related to finance in some form or other?

A lot of potential users out there if Leofinance offers features that appeals to those people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta