Hive. Where everyone dumps their stake then calls you a failure for not having enough stake to support the things they want.
This place is driving me nuts lol
Hive. Where everyone dumps their stake then calls you a failure for not having enough stake to support the things they want.
This place is driving me nuts lol
And then depends on curating initiatives or several whales rather than peaople they (virtually) hang out with :)
"Curating" for who? The invisible audience? Don't get me started. I'll just end up writing another essay comment like this
Wait, people are calling each other "a failure" for not having stakes?
They'll call the entirety of Hive a failure when they don't get their way, and shift the blame. Dumping their stake then being disappointed in others that own stake for not supporting the things they want. Been like that since day one.
Well, I don't blame anyone who dumps since I'm also part of the problem...
Didn't know that this was happening since the beginning!
Well I have not been on the chain for 7 years but it drove me nuts after a couple of days. I think I like being driven nuts or I would have left.
Well. At least it's us who's crazy and not them...
Hehe I like that!
The love and curse of decentralized communities with so many different opionions. But yeah Hive would be a better place with some mindshift being done.
There's so much potential.
There is and thats why I stay around. I believe changes can happen here, its just takes time.
Starting to feel like I'm running out of time.
My problem is I havent found anything else I think can be better. Its like democracy, its shit but its less shit than the alternative.