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RE: Hive Tightening of the Belt? Only Upvoting Powerup Accounts?

in LeoFinance5 months ago

I just meant people often build things on Hive, then in many ways expect the small amount of people on Hive to make it a success. I've seen people acting like Hive failed them because of that decision, but all they had to do was look outside.

Example: "Why doesn't Hive do any marketing?!" Solution: "I could do some marketing."

The results backfire even harder because then as some other members latch on to the Hive is failing theory. They pack up and leave, making the market even smaller for that individual trying to succeed.

In general, a decentralized environment is confusing for most simply because they've been programmed since birth to look for higher-ups who can save them or higher-ups they can blame. That's not how this works...

I've been pointing out issues, even offering proof they exist, then trying to show or explain a different path that solves the issues while leading to a greater chance of success. Saying the same thing 1000 different ways, trying to get through to people.

It's difficult to get through to people when the majority that do openly care don't think much further than the moment they're reacting to. Yeah I'm coming from a place of respect and wisdom but they're just seeing someone who doesn't agree with them so therefore, what I'm saying means nothing to them.

I understand these things. But I'm not being honest with myself if I'm excited. I see perfectly capable people spinning their tires, digging that hole deeper and deeper; not moving. Tire pops, now they see there's a problem, so their solution to get out of that mess is to change the tire and continue spinning.

I want to push but my only option is to tell them to push and I don't think anyone can hear me over all the engine noise.

When you showed me those results highlighting just how much of my own following for the most part is no longer around, that outcome was something I saw coming since close to the start and did everything I could think of, trying to prevent it. People would hear me but they wouldn't listen and I was up against the culture and common practices; everyone.

I almost gave up then but instead I doubled down because I refuse to set people up for failure. I'm thinking about eight years from now. Someone that cares about their work, starting up today, better not be in the same boat I'm in. But I see them boarding it. I hear them saying, "All aboard!"

This place will need a tsunami to knock that fucking thing out of the water.

Then I'll be excited.


But we havvvvve a spray whale! :)

I'm just going to keep working towards the goals. :)

Good. I'm just going to work towards setting some new goals.