But that face is humanity and I can still see it. I do my best, too. The other day one of those larger bees was doing little circles in the dog water outside. I walked past, it registered, I stopped, turned around, grabbed a little twig and helped it out of there. Meanwhile, Mr. It's the End of the World Because All the Bees are Dying! took a road trip, there's bee guts all over the car, and no fucks given. This is how people are.
LOL! Not sure why that song came to mind, but it did.
You are saving the world, one bee at a time.
I like that song.
I saved that bee. And I've wiped out entire populations of wasps, simply because I didn't like where they built their home, all while they're a predator in the insect world and typically take care of other things I don't like. I've shot countless sparrows on the farm because they shit everywhere, acting like tree rats, and I think it's cute how the cats gather round and wait patiently for these things to pinball out of the tree branches and hit the ground. I'm 100% sure being the first cat to get the bird before it hits the ground is no different than organized sports to them. And just look how much energy I saved by not giving them a dish full of that cat kibble, even though the BB's don't make themselves. Don't even get me started on farming. As soon as someone complains and says organic is the way to go (especially in seed crops) I can prove from experience exactly how wasteful and hard on the environment that is. Meanwhile it seems like so many think food grows in the backroom of a grocery store or directly on shelves. Even packaging something like oatmeal or flour with something that says ORGANIC and has snazzy pictures of a healthy world on it requires a massive factory I once worked in when I was a kid. Point is people acting like saviors of humanity are typically ill-informed and full of shit.