I wasn't calling you a media junkie. Just in general. It feels good to still have a mind to use. You point out how some on this planet get their information from one side, and believe it word for word without question, and how idiotic that is in sense. If I point out to you there probably just as many people listening to your side of story, believing it all word for word without question, you'd think that's not idiotic, even though it's the exact same behavior. These are just online internet cults. Once one takes a side on this, they're stuck in it forever. You can't even get through a response without reinforcing the necessary divisions.
You talk about suppression. Both sides act the exact same way. If you enter their realm and attempt to talk what you feel is 'sense' into them, you'll get shouted out of the room. If they come to your house and attempt to say what they feel is right, they'll get shouted out of the room. When I pointed out how you were insulting someone, shouting them out of the room was exactly what you were doing. Even here, the whole anti-suppressant crowd has me tucked behind two mute barriers. What a joke.
You are judging large groups of people to behave the same way when they often don't. In fact, I have specifically removed such people from my personal life as much as possible - I am only interested in free thinking brains/hearts. I regularly explain that beliefs are guesswork and counterproductive - I advise people to not believe a word I say. If there are people consuming my content who don't question deeply enough, I can hardly be held responsible for that. I have done everything in my power - short of publishing the several unfinished books I have on these topics - to activate people's cognitive processes and to question everything. In my mind, by highlighting the extent of the lies that are easily demonstrable in the mainstream, most observers should at least be triggered to question what is all around them more. You cannot really just blindly believe something that totally counters what the mainstream is saying, without actually questioning things imo.
There are a minority of people who will just believe anything that fits in with their own narrative that itself counters the mainstream narrative, that is true. However, in my own experience, such people don't tend to last very long in intelligent research spaces online as their flawed logic is quickly exposed.
I personally don't do that and rarely see anyone I value doing that. Your example of me getting annoyed with someone and putting them down is rare and as I have already said, it's not possible to know what is really going on without also knowing the emotions involved, what they need/want and why they are there. We almost never talk about this massive part of ourselves and so are left with a mind that is scrambling to define things without having the full ability to do so.
Everyone has the right to freedom of association. You have entered the space with intention to challenge, which is fine, but you have often done so without really seeing things as others see the situation and jumping to conclusions that others disagree with. I don't know what you did to get muted, I haven't felt like muting you - but you do seem to have a tendency to grind an axe while putting people down and not listening to them fully.
You straight up told someone they're not capable of thinking on their own.
I would have to re-read it to comment in a meaningful way, but I remember thinking that we (you and I) were not seeing things in the same way.
I confronted you because I thought it was disgusting how you treated that individual. Like a punching bag. All while anyone who fully agreed you put on a pedestal. That individual didn't even challenge you or your post. You straight up shot them down because you disagreed. I don't think you're a bad guy. But you do try way too hard to make yourself look good.
Kenny muted me after I confronted him awhile back. Someone downvoted him. He approached that individual talking about how the downvote was unjust and pointed out the massive number of comments there, acting like he'd done something special, but in reality it was my response that generated a metric shit ton of engagement, not his post. Just like you see here, and in your post from the other day. I create a bit of buzz. He then made a video boasting about how his post that day had "way more comments than anyone else on Hive" acting like he'd done something special. I simply called him out on his BS, because it was total bullshit. His response was a full denial full of arrogance, ignorance, and immaturity. I was treated like a number. A number he felt proud of. Some of the comments were just me shooting the shit with others, like you see here and in your post from the other day that have nothing to do with the subject matter. I just called him out on it all and he didn't like that. Once he muted me and removed me from the equation, the post he was boasting about, making a big scene and using as a reason why that downvote was unjust... it only had two comments. So without saying anything, my point was then fully proven and I walked away, left him alone. Then I saw him being sarcastic, you can see his comment in the screenshot I left below. He'll mock those who downvote, mute, and can't handle being questioned. Then in the post act like he's a proponent of truth. So I have reason to believe he's full of shit. And me being honest isn't putting anyone down like you accuse me of doing. Some in this group, yourself included, have put me down and treated me like crap on several occasions. Doesn't bother me. But I can sit here knowing for a fact there's some bullshit going on here. There's some people posing as pure greatness. I can say that because I know it's true, whether they like it or not.
I have a low tolerance for bullshit. I pointed that out right off the bat in our conversation today. I had suggested you refrain from spin as well and ridiculous rebuttals. I bet you'd deny those exist even though they're right in front of me.
I was dragged into this whole scene. I already explained that to you the other day in your post. Some in this group want to talk shit about me. Well here I am.
To clarify, a lot of people in 'this group' are just people who post on similar topics who receive upvotes from the same people and who want to help each other out. It might seem like there's some kind of oragnised team effort going on, but there is minimal organisation and most Discord chat is light and unorganised. Many people here never speak to each other afaik outside of the comments you yourself have probably read.
I would have to see the thread to comment on it. I do vaguely remember it and I remember that I was feeling very stressed for a variety of reasons. Iirc, the person in question had made several comments and you only saw one of them - the gist of them was to dismiss what I was saying out of hand without providing any evidence or reasoning. That may not be exactly what happened, but that's the signature of what I recall at present without having my memory nudged more. Your limited capacity for bullshit is probably similar to mine - though I can also be extremely patient if I feel like it too. At that time I had been submerged in a swamp of people buying corporate lies, hook line and sinker and was frustrated that people's lazy thinking was possibly even going to lead to civil war. We made it through somehow, but many cities are fighting globally and this isn't over yet.
This is one of the most high stress times I have ever experienced and I am energetically more activated than a lot of people because of my awareness of the unconscious patterns involved. Someone might stumble into my post on a coffee break, not realising that I am aligned more to run a highly charged information ops room than to make small talk. Anyway, I'm sure if I saw the post and thread I would make more useful comments here.
Thanks. 'Good' is subjective, but in my mind I take what you have said to mean 'squeeky clean' or 'honest'. Part of the reason for that is that I am so used to people using ad hominem attacks and derailing what is being said in unhelpful ways to try to discredit something they want silenced. I just do my best to minimise the possibility of that, in order to try to focus on my goals of disseminating logic and information that can help improve life.
As far as Kenny goes, I'm not seeing any screengrabs in the comments here, but it's clear that he is understandably upset and wanting to be heard/felt/understood. People are quick to judge and fabricate claims about the people that they are saying are themselves fabricating things.. That is the pattern I see being pointed out by most people here on both 'sides'. Perhaps we are highlighting a common thread in humans that affects many people that we all need to look at in order to avoid conflict and come to peace. This is actually the nature of a great deal of healing that I have done over the years - what we usually hate the most in others is something that we do ourselves too, but are in denial of.
I'd really like to see you folks tackle your issues without the smear campaign and throwing folks under the bus. I'm bored with the platform politics. You found that out the other day. I disagree with the rift being created and enforced. I don't agree with how downvotes are used in some cases either. The things I say I say confidently because the chain is there to back me up. I represent myself and only myself. Act on my own.
And yes when I say 'this group' I'm using the term loosely and don't want to single anyone out. I guess attempting to describe how 'this group' acts towards me is a waste of time, but I know my personal experience well. If I push that any further 'this group' will only want to defend itself in order to protect the image they'd prefer. 'This group' can run a seemingly never ending smear campaign, but 'this group' will not tolerate much, if any, criticism. 'This group' assumes anyone who's not for it, is against it. No middle ground to enjoy.
I'll stop bugging you folks now and probably just leave the platform entirely for awhile. Again, the only reason I'm here is because some bullshit led me here to 'this group', and I'm sick of this bullshit. But I don't want to get into the details and lay it all out for everyone. I just know what I know.
Well, thanks for sharing your perspective, all voices have something to offer - even if others are tired of hearing the message or adamantly oppose the voice. It may be that, as objectively as we can be, it is the case that a specific voice is espousing dangerous ideas that very definitely will lead to objectively terrible outcomes for everyone that adopts them - but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't hear them. At the same time, everyone who speaks publicly can expect to draw a reflection from others and from this they can always learn.
I agree that that would be a great ideal for all groups and all people. Sometimes people have had experiences and even traumas that lead them to feel that they don't have personal space to be able to interact with someone else without being defensively/ offensively triggered and so they lose balance. It takes courage and intent to be free enough to think openly and also to challenge our own (often deeply engrained) thinking in order to feel safe/free enough to always stay away from offensive behaviour. Ultimately, it is everyone's responsibility to notice where they may be acting out their own issues on other people in ways that aren't optimal for all involved.