How are quality-post people doing on the other side? I know how dry it must be there. we are shit posting and making the best of it. How wonderful
How are quality-post people doing on the other side? I know how dry it must be there. we are shit posting and making the best of it. How wonderful
Hahaha Task has got a quality post about reputation published worth reading
i will read it when i reach my thread goal. about 7 threads away from 300 threads
That is awesome!
Great keep at it bro
Shit posting is a right word for it. Many just want to thread
as long as they are engaging i dont have a problem with it
Engagement on every threads is higher now. Its possible since more of non-link threads are encouraged.
ShitPosting is so much fun.
More fun when you are shitposting with friends 🙃
Truuu af
Just playing our role in the deterioration of society...