- Breadcrumbing is a manipulative tactics where a manipulator denies you something you desire for long, but then give you that thing when you're about to give up on it but not enough to keep you satisfied. This keeps you trapped and under their control.
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nonsowrites (75) 9 months ago
- This type of manipulative tactics is usually employed in relationships but can also apply to various socio-economical situation. As along as there exist an imbalance in power dynamic.
nonsowrites (75) 9 months ago
- To get out of this type of situation you first have to understand this type of setup or arrangement is parasitic and relationships of any kind (personal, business, etc) should be mutually beneficial.
nonsowrites (75) 9 months ago
- Secondly you need to realize that whoever is breadcrumbing you does not have your interest and is simply using you to achieve their own goal, and it might be as sinister as just wanting control over you.
nonsowrites (75) 9 months ago
- It is best to leave that type of situation, or if you have the mental fortitude you can mirror their action. This can force them to act accordingly but it takes too much time, so you are better off leaving that situation.