
Hard to know what the market might do.

We have the token being bought to pay the HP delegators. Plus Khal is teasing about ad revenue.

Yeah, no kidding, it will be harder if it stays going up. It's great if go up but also bad hahaha

decisions decisions options

There is goin to be too much buy pressure for it to go down much.
I htink icnsistent rise in price for the next couple of months anyway.
Then some people will sell as it gets hgher.

I think so too. There is a lot of incentive to hold and buy Leo now. That's good for Leo and bad for I wanted to get some more cheaper 🙃

Such a move is sound. Many names appreciate in price without value backing them up.

Yeah. Seems like people are holding a bit more tight :D

They should free up. I need to buy cheap $leo again. 🙃

It seems to be going down a little while ago.

Let me check. I should set my buying order.

All the best! I'm trying to find some $HIVE to do the same thing, lol!

I'm also already thinking about planning ahead for the next #LPUD

That is a great plan. You should have a decent stash before the next #lpud if you do that. Buying 20 Leo everyday should be get you close to a thousand Leo for the next #lpud