Someone hit me up this morning asking about opportunities in the web 3 space he would capitalise on. I mentioned a few but his response was along the line of "I don't want to do anything that is not 100% sure"
If you are such a person my question to you is: how do you plan to make it in this space?
Many people have been in this industry for years now and have achieved nothing because they are afraid to commit. They would rather chase the next-big-thing which they never find.
balls of steel needed, definitely!
that person does really need education… otherwise its going to get scammed.
Risk-free in web 3.0? Even my Tesla's autopilot isn't 100% sure!
I'm guilty of this... Though it's more like "something I won't regret if it failed" than "100% sure it succeed." It's similar but not the same.
i think we should manage our expectations when it comes to web 3 and crypto. Many have lofty dreams that are just too unrealistic.