I am leaning towards the notion that we are in a simulation and I am just a giant machine creating reality. The only real thing is consciousness. However, everything I am experiencing is not real.
I am leaning towards the notion that we are in a simulation and I am just a giant machine creating reality. The only real thing is consciousness. However, everything I am experiencing is not real.
The Holographic Universe Theory?
not we'll be acquainted with the theory but I have been thinking more about these things lately.
Now you have the name of it to search and do more research
I would like to ponder over it more and come up with my thesis even though there is an already existing body of work out there.
I am not looking for answers. Just thinking.
send me all your hive. I bet that will be real
you feel feat when you are dreaming, don't you? Doesn't make it real. In this stimulation giving you my hive means I die. That's more real than my theory.
send me all your hive. I bet that will be real
maybe i'm the only one with consciousness maybe you are who know
i think it's kinda like that too. aka Maya. Not possible to describe it with words though. Maya, dream of life, illusion, are sometimes used to give an idea of what it is.
thinking in the stream of consciousness of nothing about everything we think about whenever we think about it