on it mate! my brother @iamchuks just made his first hive post. you guys should show in some love. lol he is not a blogger, so I am going to get him hooked on splinterland
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
on it mate! my brother @iamchuks just made his first hive post. you guys should show in some love. lol he is not a blogger, so I am going to get him hooked on splinterland
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just left him a upvote and a comment with some encouragement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not on Leo and I don't got time to switch between stuff so I may come back later to comment. I play splinterlands so he can feel free to throw questions at me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
understandable. he doesn't have an appetite for financial stuff yet. i am hoping as he gets more convenient with this space he would get more curious about it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta