I made a big move today. After looking at the market stabilizing after this drop, and the remarkably sane and sensible announcement from the CubDefi devs, I shifted all my funds out of the CUB/BUSD pool to avoid impending impermanent loss there.
A big pile of my CUB went straight into the den (hopefully with better APR soon), and the BUSD I split across the CAKE kingdom at CubDefi (50%) and the Bunny den at PancakeBunny (50%).
I've experienced the bear market in 2018 in full glory, and rode XRP all the way down from $3 to $0.11 (I stepped out only much later, when I had to buy a house ;)). And I completely agree with you: that bear market started with mass hype and mainstream headlines all over the place, not the relative silence we see today.
Btw. if you want to see hype, have a look at the FLR token, which is also smart-contract / DeFi oriented. The IOU, priced at ~$1.30 across 45 billion tokens, gives it a market cap about as large as XRP, even though the network itself has yet to launch (!!). The main tokens there will be released in a few weeks, and I do expect to see a serious plummeting there initially ;).
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