I don't track the exact amount, but I'm just outside the Top 60 with my city.
Most cards go for much more than 30 SIM on the market. In fact, I believe people can actually make a profit (on average) when buying cards from packs and selling them on the market. For instance, @desyfit has been doing that quite frequently, and I'm sure they wouldn't do that if there was no profit in it.
In regards to your last sentence, there are two things: (1) I think DCity turned around about $700k from card purchases, but most of that has been handed back to the players through SIM that has been recycled in payouts. (2) You clearly don't like the game, and it's fine to sell your city and use the Hive to play a different game. But as I mentioned in my previous post, it is not correct to call it a scam.
Dear @notaboutme, I am very surprise about your believe on this method of build up a game, all cards printed has been sold to people who bought them from game owner, than market is only a way to make this cards salable because anybody will never sell a card you bought with 800 sim for 30 sim!
So 1.6 million cards are 1280 million sim the owner got for this, do you think all those money gone for game development and payouts?
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No, the developer takes a 20% cut I believe. He has been quite upfront about that as well.
And not all cards go for 30 SIM. The less common ones go for 10000 SIM or more.
Actually, if the average price level on the market (weighted by rarity) becomes less than 800 SIM per card, then everyone is better off buying straight from the market.
And more recently, I have noticed more and more people buying off the market rather than printing cards, because the SIM-heavy cards have dropped in price recently.
But the card stacks on the market aren't deep at all, so I expect the SIM prices to rise a bit again pretty soon.
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