What would America do without its bureaucracies?"White House officials said they were unaware of the contract and put the FBI in charge of figuring out who might have been using the technology.After an investigation, the answer was the FBI.
What would America do without its bureaucracies?"White House officials said they were unaware of the contract and put the FBI in charge of figuring out who might have been using the technology.After an investigation, the answer was the FBI.
https://news.yahoo.com/paid-mysterious-spy-tool-fbi-173620207.html #usgovernment #fbi #investigateyourself #efficiency #bureaucracies #us #whatajoke #youcantmakethisup
Those tax dollars hard at work... It's one reason I'm fed up with paying taxes on such wasted BS
Yup, which is why I stopped paying the big taxes 13 years ago
Nope, just stopped making traceable money and mostly bartering my skills for the basics
Oh, I can only imagine the amount of Peace and Prosperity we would have to endure without our bureaucrats 😀
The Revolutionary War was won without The Pentagon. That's all I need to know about the uselessness of bureaucracies.