And to be fair here as well, markets determine value through both selling and buying, which are the equivalent of up or downvotes here. To be a fair market both the +/- need to exist.
Do they need to exist as is? No, I'm sure there's a better way and these posts, since they address this specific issue should hopefully motivate some ideas. Those ideas can then become blogs, helping to keep the topic front and center and even gain popularity leading to change.
to be fair? Fair is not in this equation. It's just another "market" controlled by a few dishonest individuals.. you know, that thing we were trying to escape in coming here.
Life in general isn't fair.
Much of the unfairness in life is directly generated by humans and that is the case here. Few things really piss me off but at the top of the list is cruelty / unkindness. That always trips my trigger like nothing else can.
Humans that can actually justify in their own twisted minds being unkind are what we should be trying to evolve from. We, humans, can make things better, more fair, if you will, for everyone.
AND .. we can do that today, in a heartbeat, with a change of heart, an enlightened soul, letting kindness and love lead. I truly hope those guilty parties will take the time to consider how they can do the right thing and change the course because as it stands right now, they risk destroying this platform.
They need to apologize and set things right with critical thinking and good will. Are they "big" enough to do that. Do they have a conscience sufficiently developed that will allow them to just .. tell the truth. Too much to ask?
hope not but time will tell
I myself don't feel we need to be more kind. On the contrary, we need to thicken our skins. Nature is inherently unfair, so it's not just humans who create inequity.
The strongest survive and lightening does strike twice. If things only work in the affirmative, then balance will be lost and things will only become more unfair. As a matter of fact, Hive will simply be a Socialist paradise(?) with a Chinese style social credit score.
I'll say it again as well, I don't think Hive works as it should nor can it reach the goal of decentralization as is. Kenny and a few others dealing with this issue could have presented the issue in a more constructive way. Addressing a problem and trying to start a conversation does not include the threat of powering down, voicing the intent to leave nor shitting on the place that has treated him well for years.
See, it has only become an issue once the earnings weren't there? No, it's been an issue since day one, but no one addresses it until they become a victim. This in my eyes is a form of hypocrisy.
That being said, I've been here since 2016, yet look at my rep and wallet. I'm not looking for a digital representation of the current systems. I've worked hard to be able to live outside the system irl.
For this reason I haven't put a lot of time into Hive. I've been searching this whole time for something better and I've voiced my issue with the oligarchy it creates since 2018. It(a more decentralized platform) simply doesn't exist. Hive is the most decentralized environment out there. So, the most efficient way to build a better system is to either develop your own fork or try to change the current system for the better.
That's what we should be trying to do, help Hive evolve towards decentralization, rather than just throwing it on the ground and stomping on it when it pisses us off.
We are. Scrolling up through the comments again I noted several people reacting in shock at how centralization of the stake works. Lots of folks are trying to wrap their head around how it works, and some folks with vested interests that well understand how it works are trying to obfuscate it, to keep playing the fish on the line.
I've made the best pitch I know how, but when folks are trying to obfuscate and milk rather than act in good faith, no matter how well you make your pitch it won't produce beneficial results.
Some folks just don't have good faith. When those folks also have power, and oddly common circumstance, Hive doesn't get increasingly decentralized, things don't get better, and censorship increases instead of decreases.
Suppression of speech isn't eradication of it, yet. So, given the options Hive remains less censored than Twatter or the rest of 'em. It's just useful to not care about money in order to use it if the censors don't want you to.
"I myself don't feel we need to be more kind."
full stop... I'll try to read the rest of your post later after I get over my shock. Do you really believe that? We're at opposite ends of that rainbow.
... think I'll watch a couple episodes of "Ancient Aliens" and smoke a doob
are you still trying to defend tyranny??? that's never going to fly in my world
just tell me the justification for destroying someone's work, specifically .. I can't imagine an explanation that doesn't sound messed up.. surprise me.
You're defending tyranny and that's annoying. I apologize for coming across that way but it irritates me to hear tyranny defended over and over. To the best of my ability, I'm only saying blunt truth but I know that can also sound harsh. Not meant that way.
Give me something logical to justify stealing someone's money as it specifically applies in this case or we just shouldn't talk anymore because I will view it as defending tyranny.
I know we agree on some things but I can't accept authoritarian control, nor any words to justify it as it's goes 100% against my grain, my being. That's just me, understood. I have a right to my opinion as well as the next guy.
I wish you all good things, nothing but.
So, be specific or go in peace, otherwise it's all dust in the wind.
It's not destroyed = fact?
If you read the rest you'd see there's multiple points and even agreement with you. If you refuse to read dissent cuz your 180° from it, then anything you produce is in question.
Note: I've had an account decimated unfairly. It is what it is... take your lumps and move on.
Also, from your first comment til your last that I've read, I haven't seen much 'kindness' in any of them.