"Thorchain is being accused of money laundering," says the person not actually involved.
"We successfully traced 95% of the funds moved through Thorchain," claims the sole individual handling the hacked money.
"3.4.25 Executive Summary on
"Thorchain is being accused of money laundering," says the person not actually involved.
"We successfully traced 95% of the funds moved through Thorchain," claims the sole individual handling the hacked money.
"3.4.25 Executive Summary on
Hacked Funds: Total stolen amounts to USD 1.4bn, about 500k ETH, with 77% still traceable, 20% unaccounted for, and 3% frozen.
• 83% (417,348 ETH, roughly $1B) were swapped into BTC using 6,954 wallets (averaging 1.71 BTC each).
This week is crucial for freezing operations as funds begin moving at exchanges, OTC, and P2P.
• 361,255 ETH, or $0.9B, equating to 72%, were transacted via Thorchain and remain traceable.
• 79,655 ETH (around 16% of the total) have gone
dark via ExCH, pending updates.
• 40,233 ETH (or $100M) moved through OKX web3 proxy, with 16,680 ETH traceable, and 23,553 ETH (about $65M, or 5%) still untraceable, awaiting details from OKX web3.
Bounty Update:
• Eleven parties assisted in freezing the funds, with top contributions from Mantle, Paraswap, and ZachXBT.
• A total of $2,178,797 USDT has been distributed to 11 bounty hunters."
#Crypto #Cybersecurity
Blockchains are horrible for laundering money
These people aren’t laundering using thorchain