AirdropGh0st #2: $OSMO token, savior of the current market dip? 400%+ gains in 6 days!

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Up until a few days ago, I had absolutely 0 knowledge that Cosmos would be conducting not one, but TWO different tokens, simply for staking your Cosmos anywhere that it supports staking. This is by far the BEST airdrop I've ever received, and it's been made 10000x better since I didn't even know anything about it.

You can buy $OSMO tokens directly by swapping COSMOS or other tokens through their Osmosis AMM:


Staking them yields you some really solid results - I would up being airdropped nearly 500 OSMO tokens, and I had 0 clues that this even was going to take place. Nevertheless, it was an absolutely KILLER day!


I mean look at the staking APY simply for the 1/7/14 day pools:

-1144.8% (1 day)
-1359.45% (7 days)
-1431% (14 days)

I've run my miner(s) for 2 days now, and after disabling non-essential apps/services/etc on my laptop, I'm able to reach my mining hash rate to around 32 - 35 MH/s.

My new Alienware desktop, on the other hand, is an absolute monster - I'm mining around 70-80 MH/s at times (after I've stopped working for the day, and disabled anything that wasn't absolutely essential while I am sleeping).

First of all, the APR + APY on staking and running LP tokens is absolutely astonishing and is an amazing way to start building up some "truly" passive income (once you've bought in enough tokens, or were airdropped a nice amount.

I personally have put about $250 into this entire project by myself - the remaining ~4600 is all from staking earnings and initial airdrop. I made the same mistake last year of selling my Uniswap tokens at 3.50 each - had I just HODL'd for a few more months, I would've easily made 25k+.

Live and learn though, right? :[

Anyway, I wanted to share a few pictures here of my new setup and earnings, and share a few details requiring such a farming bonus. Let me know what you guys think!



I've received my token distribution a few days ago when they were only like $2 each - and in just a few short days, they've grown nearly 400x already in token value. Plus, I'm earning between 15-30 OSMO tokens per day by staking, which I then immediately stake for compounding interest.

They also just launched LP pools today, so now you can earn a variety of coins through multiple pool pairs - which is really neat.

Cosmos uses their own "Keplr" wallet


Osmosis uses its own "Keplr" wallet - it's an awesome browser extension, and extremely fast. Transaction fees are practically nothing on this chain!

I've never been more elated about a token than I have now. Between the "adventure" of trying out the various components of their system, interacting on their Discord, and more. I definitely have to vouch for!

Here are some stats from when I started a few days ago, until now:

6.19.21 - 495.xx Tokens (Airdropped) - Price starts around $1.80
6.20.21 - 34.xx Tokens (Staking Rewards) - Price around $2.50
6.21.21 - 25.56 Tokens (Staking Rewards) - Price around $3.00
6.22.21 - 19.xx Tokens (Staking Rewards) - Price around $4.50
6.22.21 - Bought 40.xx Tokens
6.23.21 - 15.9x Tokens (Staking Rewards) - Price around $6.65
6.24.21 - 15.5x Tokens (Staking Rewards) - Price around $7.50

Interested in joining up and farming your own OSMO coins? Simply head on over to their website (, then on the left side pane, select "staking", and voila! You'll now be earning staking rewards based on how many tokens you staked.

There's also the option of providing liquidity for AMM pools here, so you could split your $OSMO holdings and allocate them both to their respective areas.

Huge shoutout to @jk6276 for his awesome writeups on this subject! Check out his latest posts here:

I'll be sharing more content like this as time progresses - I have a TON of HUGE things in the works (a brand new crypto eComm shop, a signals/stock + crypto trading/financial education website by the name of TradingDojo (name thanks to @dredshep ;) ), and last but not least, a YouTube channel for at least 1 to 2 times weekly to monetize content and have a simple "conversation" with our viewership.

Have any ideas for this to improve? Please reply below and let me know. I am completely bankrolling and building this entirely on my own at the moment, but I'd also be interested in nabbing another set hand hands if the price is right.

Have a great day everyone, and happy token hunting!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh wow thanks for sharing boss mate...good to hear your stake yields you some really solid results. You are doing well. Kudos

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