Flat Earthers crack me the fuck up.
Like, c'mon. Look around you at the world right now. Do flat earthers seriously think that a government that knew about the edge of the fucking world would not turn that into a tourist trap?
"Book your hotel at Edge of the Earth today! Includes an infinity pool overlooking the vast nothingness of space, and a swing so you can dangle right over the edge of the world! Rooms starting at 500$ USD per night!"
We'd 100% have capitalized on the edge of the earth by now if it was real, zero percent chance that we wouldn't.
That is a hilariously well made point.
I always love an analysis that can 'disprove' a conspiracy theory with the basic tenants of capitalism.
That's basically how I've 'disproved' the 'deep state' half a dozen times now.
Power is more fluid than that.
Nice one.
Simply paying attention to basic human nature and habits disproves so much shit.
Not that all conspiracies are hogwash - lotta hoops to jump through for a man to conveniently hang himself in a particularly well-guarded cell for example - but a LOT are total nonsense.
But then, I'd argue that THAT is by design. Drown out the one or two real bits of conspiracy with a mountain of bullshit about how the moon is fake and the earth isn't round.
It's what I'd do if I ran an intelligence agency.
Yeah it was already basically proven several times over that Qanon was basically just a psyop distraction that culminated in the whole Jan 6th debacle. Media milks the shit out of that one every chance they get.
Might as well eh. To the MSM and the folks who only get news through there it's... as the meme goes: